I left my yoga clothes at home, but my jeans were stretchy enough for all the yin yoga. I went to the computer lab and struggled with AfterEffects. I had totally forgotten the instruction and I had left my instruction book at home. Tomorrow I will coop up in the lab and animate until I have to get ready for the party. I did finish my portfolio mailer instead. And it looks much better. So Sunday is all thesis day, as I don't have to worry about portfolio.
Went home. Went to Trader Joe's. Got some butter, eggs, lettuce, apples, frozen gnocchi and Gorgonzola (I'm lazy), beef, and flavored fluids. Came back. Mark and Kristen worked on their Harry Potter (Mark didn't want to be Arthur Dent anymore, BOOO!!) and Katy Perry costumes. I made brownies that didn't turn out. And spray painted my nerf! It took a while because each side needed about 15 minutes. Sprayed it about five times. Once on each side, and once again to tidy it up. Will probably spray it some more tomorrow. On the last time I accidentally locked myself out of the apartment (I was spraying it on a brown paper bag in the courtyard) and had to knock on the window to get let back in. Hahah. But the gun looks great and my costume is FINISHED! I'm so excited.
Now I'm just staying up looking at awesome movie posters.
I love my new comfy sweater.
Tomorrow I have obligations at noon, so that keeps my sleep schedule respectable! And with that done, I should be ready to work on stuff. Just go to school and animate and all that.
Since we don't pay an electric bill, we can have a space heater running all day. Wheee. Cozy apartment. It keeps everything a lot warmer than the rattly system in the building.
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