Didn't get that great of a night's sleep. My schedule is all out of whack. Only got to sleep for a bit before the 8am alarm went off. Rolled out of bed a bit after 11. Had a bagel and shmear and some tea and powdered water drink. Community was fantastic, as was Parks and Recreation. Finished up only four text sides, but that was enough for the day as it turned out. Got to school after 3. Scanned, printed. Went to the lab. Emulsified. Exposed. Set up my station. Not a very crowded studio. Mel came and printed. And left. I listened to Mockingjay. Lots and lots of Mockingjay.
Printed Mel's color text layer. That went well.
Printed Beth's color text layer. That went well, all though some of the tape kept coming off.
Printed Samala's color text layer. Had some issue with the opaqueness of the ink I was using. Hate opaque ink. But got it done.
Printed Acey's color text layer. Went really well.
Washed all the screens out and drew in the water resist for the second blank ink layers. Exposed. Washed out. They are all ready to be printed tomorrow. Another four hours and I'll have four more posters finished. Yaaay. I'll be getting up early to do that, because Lindsay, aka Toon, aka my first roommate invited me to a beginning Aerial class. You know, with the ribbons and stuff. So I'll be doing that tomorrow afternoon. And afterwards I guess I'll fold and edition prints. Bleh, have to get up super early. So I'm blogging now.
Have to work on my spirit animal print.