

Saturday, October 6, 2007

I lie, I do hike

Another day, another movie. But after the beach trip I just wanted to sit back and not move. Hoo boy am I exhausted.

PNCA organised a beach trip, free for all students. They didn't get the full number of people and only about 20 of the people that signed up, showed up. But that's probably good because it might have been hard to keep track of everyone otherwise. I rode and left my bike at school. I was the third one there, after Mollie and Vasee. It took everyone else a long time to show up, lazy art students!

We were heading out to Cannon Beach and Falcon Point. Long bus ride, the scenery was really beautiful but sort of standard in Washington. I sat next to Diana and we chatted about wooden chopsticks versus plastic ones (non biodegradeable/reuseable vs biodegradeable/cutting down forests). Rachel, the student services lady, had lots of delicious Trader Joe's snack goods for us to munch on. I made myself two sandwiches for the day, egg salad and tuna fish.

The beach was cold and I had many layers. I opted for the hike with Rachel and so we set out. Lots of ups and downs, similar to Washington as well. I had my camera with me, need some nice shots for the darkroom. There were some nice photo oppurtunities, I think these two rolls will have some really nice shots. Don't wanna go in tomorrow and put in extra hours..waahh!!

I met Matt and Andy, who are more MFA students. Matt was reading Watchmen on the bus and was wearing Spiderman cutoff globes. SpidermAndy.

The top of the hike put us on a bluff and it was really windy. Like, my scarf was trying to choke me and escape windy. Quite magestic. Rachel had said it was similar to standing at the edge of the world. I got more of an "edge of the world" feeling from Dungeness Spit than this place, but the hike was worth it. We tried to climb down this one embankment that was a narrow pathway cut into thing bushes but it declined to fast and was too muddy and none of us were in shoes that had any sort of traction (myself being in not distinctly muddy converse all stars) so we went back up. Matt slid into me a couple times and I got my legwarmers muddy from it.

I was cold at the top of the bluff but hiking up and down I went inbetween chilly and boiling under my layers.

I had my egg salad sandwich in my pocket but I only ate half of it as I had munched on snacks pretty constantly on the way there.

At the bottom we walked along the beach and Diana remarked about how hard and stiff the sand was. Californian's are so cute. Amina wasn't too fond of a poor banana slug that was minding its own business and didn't need some teen being all scared of it. The beach was cold and there were surfers doing their thing.

After the hike and the beach we went into Cannon Beach for lunch proper. Rachel and I split an over priced, nothing special fish and chips combination. Skippers/Ivars is better. Then I got some taffy. MMMMMM.

I fell asleep on the ride home.

I finished off my Stephen Colbert icecream and munched on taffy while watching Secretary with Lindsay, Brandon and Ibanez. What a fractured little romance.

Its the good life.

Friday, October 5, 2007

night rider versus pizza

Just got back from the Friday Art Film night at PNCA. Again, weird movies I didn't quite get or understand. The first was a Japanese film about uhm small terrorist groups I think. The guy gave us a heads up for some lewd behavior. The scene he warned us about took place about two-thirds of the way through. He should have warned us about all the other gratuitous lewd scenes that took place one after another and were really uncomfortable to watch/badly acted. I didn't enjoy that film. The next one was Mirror by Andrei Tarkovsky. I loved some of imagery in it but I didn't quite get it as a whole till the very end. Beautiful and rather spooky. Not next week but the week after the movie guy will bring in Delicatessen, as per my request. And there might be a horror night later on in the month, that will be fun! These art films aren't quite my thing but I'll continue to go to support it. I know I'll see something amazing and not like I have any other plans.

Slept in. Worked on animation while watching Shaun of the Dead. I'm now at about 22/45 frames done. Another movie on Sunday should do it.

I left the place at around 4:40 to go to PNCA. I locked my bike up at the school and ran into Noel.

I was planing to meet Lindsay after her job and walk about and take photos, Noel joined us. We looked into a yarn shop (fabulous!) and a used/vintage clothing shop. Both places were fine with me taking photos and I think I got some great shots. There were some fabulous pieces of clothing in Ray's Ragtime (the vintage shop) but nothing for my Halloween costume. At 5:45 we split from Lindsay, Noel and I were both going back to PNCA for clubs.

It was good walking and biking weather. Really loving this night riding thing. Going to the beach tomorrow. Wheee!

Lindsay and Brandon are watching Big Trouble, I think I'll go join them and work on my animation a bit. Lots of movies today.

night rider versus the boxes

Whoo! I rode my bike around for First Thursday (big art show opening day around Portland) and had so much fun. It was really cold but so exhilarating. Left at about 6:00pm to check out PNCA. Wore my leather pointy shoes and leather jacket. Nice animal cruelty combination going on there. My hair was still flattened back from the days hairstyle so I just gelled it into shape and headed out looking all sleek like.

There wasn't much going on around PNCA so I rode down to 5th&Couch to check out the galleries there. People in the Pearl don't have a lot of respect for bikers (yeah you share the road with us, we will obey the stop signs and you should too). Didn't get hit but there were some dummies. I always get a weird start when I am turning left towards Couch, like I never have been able to get the pedals started right so I falter. Didn't help that I was wearing shoes not meant for biking in. Got there alright and locked my bike to a gate. The gallery in the Portland Art Center had a nice installation in the front half, the back half was annoying (we are forced to deal with people crying really fakeily and awkwardly...deep). Upstairs was some New Renaissance work, some of it was really brilliant and so well executed. Wasn't so inspiring but really purdy with some great technique. Another annoying installation tucked away(shes swimming in an endless circle...deep). Also annoying kids running about.

Floating World Comic's exhibit was all female artists and I think they may have been Portland-based female artists as well. A good premise but ultimately I was left disappointed. Is this all we could do as a gender? Nothing really stuck with me except for some nice line art and a few colorful pieces but even then it is hazy.

Ran into Gordon, my Digital Tools teacher. He recommended I check out the gallery "Motel". He looks exactly the same in class as he does in reality, I guess the perks of being a computers teacher at a small private art school. He is a cool guy, while I may not be interested in all that he teaches us he gives a good energy so I enjoy class. Today we worked on piecing together our images and making them into a video. I was starting from fresh when I came in this morning and I was the only one done by the end of class. Huh. My video is about a sea monster attacking people, finding a bride, having a family and attacking more people.

The Motel gallery had this really insane hyper-rendered in pencil artwork. I spent so long looking over all the little bits, noticing how people just breezed right past them not taking the time. I took the time and I saw so much. Really surreal zombie women and portraits and people walking along floating rock formations with spears. Ghostly and ethereal, loved it! They had silkscreen tee shirts with the designs but you know, I'm trying to be save-y here.

It was getting dark so I got on my bike and decided to ride home. Somewhere around 12th and Washington I decided to circle back to PNCA and see if anything more was going on. There wasn't anything going on at PNCA, no new shows (there is something from Casey Oney but I saw it earlier today). Down the street was where they close off traffic and have tents set up. It was about 2-3 blocks last month, now it was about one. Walked through it but nothing caught my eye.

Looped around and went into this poster-making place that was having higher end (or rather commercial) looking wares. Chatted at length with Jacob Kaup, a local potter who had some spectacularly colored wheel ceramics on display. They were sort of drab at first glance but when I got close it was just WOW. So many little reds and blues, turquoise and...just wow. Gazed and gazed at them. There was a nice jewelry maker lady who made these really fancy bracelets with lots of little beads. The paintings upstairs, some of the abstracts only half looked planned out and the Italy street scenes were childish. The works composed of bits of wood were nice...but like I said it was commercial and not so indie and edgy.

I left the building and heard Chervona playing so I skittled over towards them. They were not playing the first time I went through the tents on 13th, but they were now. Much of the same music they played last First Thursday, but it was still amazing. Bounced along in rhythm and took some photos (no flash, probably blurry but we will see). Just love these guys.

Continued through the network of tents back towards where I locked up my bike and saw this display I missed the first time through. The work had a very gestural quality to it, but it was made using bent wire. There were mobiles where each direction produced a new face and there was a large piece on the back of just faces (the artist, Spenser called it "Schizophrenic on Coffee") melding with one another. There were smaller little movable toys and wire birds. I was enthralled. I stuck around for a while and chatted with him on and off between him making sales and me admiring the 3D skull earrings. We talked about octopuses.

At about 8:30, my fingers well and truly numb I decided to ride home. Second time today I made that trip. On the way back I stopped several times to take more night shots of the city. People were really nice about it as they walked past. No one mugged me or looked like they would mug me.

So from 6-9:15 I was out and about and freezing cold but like I said, exhilarating and worth it! I'd like to bike at night some more if I didn't worry so much about drunk city drivers.

Oh and in drawing we drew boxes for three hours. I thought I had bested that old foe but it rose again. The platform was what gave me the most trouble; I want to take an axe to its irregular angles.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

hugs and mambas

The darkroom is really taking it out of me. Got my negatives and the teacher just looked over the contact sheet and said most of them were not that interesting (yay another roll to shoot/develop in a couple days). The ones that were interesting had these spots on them that looked to be caused by the developing process, which doesn't make much sense because it was Pro Photo and I'm not sure if it is the Pro or the Photo part of their name but they should be capable of doing nice prints. I did like some of the contrast on the lavender shots but her whole "not interesting" comment left me with a bad feeling for the whole class period. Maybe I should just take pictures of things I like instead of looking for what she wants. The things she wants should be present in pictures I take that I find interesting, they should be present in any good photo, huh? Probably another week or two in the darkroom left. AHHG.

I missed the morning rain shower (also apparently the shuttle bus didn't come) and the afternoon rains as well. I had a plastic bag to put over my seat so it didn't get wet and in turn make the seat of my pants wet as I rode. Smart thinking. I'll have to ride in the rain eventually. When the day comes, I'll just bring a change of clothes.

I worked through a large portion of lunch in the darkroom. Chatted with Jim during the span of time it took me to eat my egg salad sandwich.

Ran into Michael on my way to Time Arts. He gave me a little sideways hug that really made me feel better (I think he detected I was fairly miserable). Then Mel swooped out of nowhere and poked me with her umbrella, I in return poked her with my cellphone antenna. Michael got out of there before he got poked. Hahaha. Dropped off my stuff and went and got some sweet to make myself feel better.

Time Arts was spent drawing pages for my animation, eating Mamba's (Mambo's?), and watching animation shorts and talking about common traits in video. I am 1/3 of the way done with my animation, I don't know how many other people started drawing theirs. All of ours start with a box and we modify it somehow. Mine; a blond climbs a top it and then the box swings forward (sort of like it is on a hinge and she tipped it) and she pitches off it. Right now I am to the part where the box starts to flip. I love her expression and poofy hair. Hee hee. Shared some of my sweets with Diana and Daniel (I believe that if you have treats you should share, even if it just with the people around you).

Lindsay sent me a text saying she had some banana bread from a coffee shop for lunch but it wasn't at all good. Mine was better. Well. Isn't it always?

As I said, I missed the rains coming back. Pretty brisk bike ride.

In my e-mail was a message from mom nagging me about employment and House. Bah!

Lindsay and I trekked down to Safeway and got some Chinese food for dinner. We scarfed it while watching Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Lindsay thinks it would be a great idea for me to go as Trillian as Darwin from the movie for Halloween. I say, two people would get the joke and they would be Sean and Lindsay. I want to see if I can get my costume to work, if not there are other options.

Never, ever will I choose a teacher just because they have a funny name.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I needs the moneys

House is on in 40 minutes. Whoo House!

Brr cold cold day. Brought my big coat and hat and scarf and was plenty toasty for the most part (hands still nippy). No rain during my commute but certainly a lot after.

The power went out twice in Digital Tools. Thankfully I had saved before each power outage so I didn't loose anything. First time was a close call though. My video got all screwed up as I was saving it so I will be starting from scratch. Oh well. Jim lost a lot of stuff due to the outages. There is a lot of construction going on all over Portland. I had to bike through it later today, bah!

Drawing was two point perspective. Okay it is a little more complex than the doodle I did on my arm. Michael, Mollie and I all sat around the Jamison Square Fountain drawing the surrounding buildings. I fashioned a hat out of my scarf as I had lent my hat to Mollie (who has really closely cropped hair). My drawing was very minimal and lightly pencilled in. Drawing geometry is hard!

These Red Bull people were giving out free Red Bull to students during lunch. I grabbed one to give to Lindsay later on.

Got my film from Pro Photo Supply. See Rite Aid, it can be done!

I need a job, I'm not anywhere near any trouble amounts in money lacking I just know it is time to go about getting a job so that I won't be really stressed later on when I need to get a job because I have no money. I am applying at the temp agency Lindsay works through, rode down to the office to make my presence known. Lots of construction zone navigating, uhhg. And it turned out I had to apply online FIRST and then they will call me and schedule a meeting. They said something about needing seven years experience but I don't know the specifics. We will see how it goes.

Stopped in at some stores trying to find the key piece to my Halloween costume. No luck.

Lounged, ate spaghetti with sauce that Sean made and gave me some of the remainder from. Good sauce, just needs to be put through the blender.

House in 30!

Monday, October 1, 2007

one hour photo my TOOKUS

Due to the fuzziness of my TV I can't quite read the subtitles on Heroes. So what exactly is the whole deal with the twins. Crossing the border for the cure and what not? I think I can figure it out on my own but I'm not sure. Both Heroes AND Prison Break both ended with a "whats in the box?" ending. Prison Break has the likelihood of being a part of anatomy from Sarah or LJ (box big enough for a head but I sure hope not). Heroes is, uhm? I dunno...photos? I like Peters new haircut and the fact he has amnesia so he can't remember what a wuss he was. Can't wait for more Sylar, yaaay! Claire descendant of Kensei perhaps? Har har, the Haitian got Mohinder. And I hope Claire smacks that flying kid. Hes outside her window in the middle of the night, that's creepy.

Dropped my film off at Rite Aid at 7:50am.

Review and first exam in Art History today. Knew the importance and era all the pieces were from, just not uhm..the titles. Well, I made up for some of my lack of knowledge with lots of fun facts. I don't feel much panic/fear over it. Felt it went quite well and now I know how she tests (I'll study names a bit better).

After test went to Rite Aid to pick up film at 10:40am. They said the film was really wound tight and they had to go get a special tool to open it.

Went to class without the film that I would be printing that day. Listened to lecture about balance and rhythm. Got back my color assignment (B) and my previous photo assignment (also a B, argh!). Looked over old prints for good examples of line, value, and texture. Went to lunch.

Ate at Hot Lips with Cidney. Blackberry Soda is goood.

Went to Rite Aid at 12:50 for film. Said they couldn't get it open and they were sorry. Biked to Pro Photo Supply on 19th & Marshall and dropped it off. They said it would be ready tomorrow. Argghh. I don't like being behind when I don't have to be. Probably have to put in some extra darkroom time this weekend so I don't get marked down for lack of creativity again.

At least at the end of long Monday there is Time Arts! Whee! My animation looked pretty cool and I have an idea the teacher seemed happy about for my next animation. I really like that class, the people are nice and fun to talk to and Rose Bond gives us a wee bit of a break if our work isn't picture perfect. We are learning new techniques and she gives us a little leeway with that. I feel that I should be better in the darkroom, I don't know why I'm not.

Grr Rite Aid. They should have given me some free candy in apology.

goddamn the rain, goddamn!

Wow, I've had over 50 entries in this blog. Whoo! Hard to believe I've only had four weeks worth of classes. The pacing is similar to Olympic College so it isn't hard keeping up. People whine about having essays due in a week and its like "yeah? and?" for me. More people should take classes at a community college for a year before moving on to a four year. It will give them good college habits.

Today was dreary. Weather wise it was gray and raining on and off. Of course rain was on when I made a grocery trip to Safeway, but it wasn't so bad. A little moisture but I had my leather jacket on so I was dry for the most part. The gray stayed strong but Lindsay and I shared many laughs over various things so it was great in doors. Except for homework.

I always get my homework done and I don't like that I know that. There isn't the worry that it won't get done, just the "uhg I'm going to get this done today" feeling. If that makes sense.

I watched the first hour of Hot Fuzz which took me through my Time Arts assignment. Lounged, laughed, biked and read some history of art. Sean invited us over for burgers and they were delicious. Good to be friends with someone nice and generous. Overly generous really, quality meat is rare in student housing and someone who knows to prepare it is a precious commodity. Sean is awesome. Lindsay and I walked to Safeway to get some sweets, the rain had subsided by then. We got the Stephen Colbert ice cream and the Heath Bar coffee ice cream. Read the rest of my art history assignment in good time. The book uses words like "manly", "flabby", and uses exclamation points when talking about hunts depicted in art. I find it rather silly but it holds my interest. I love the Egyptian stone sculptures. So massive and beautiful. Really majestic and immortal looking. I love how art is one of the few things that lasts.

Mum, you ever find the full poem about damning the rain and whatnot?