

Saturday, October 6, 2007

I lie, I do hike

Another day, another movie. But after the beach trip I just wanted to sit back and not move. Hoo boy am I exhausted.

PNCA organised a beach trip, free for all students. They didn't get the full number of people and only about 20 of the people that signed up, showed up. But that's probably good because it might have been hard to keep track of everyone otherwise. I rode and left my bike at school. I was the third one there, after Mollie and Vasee. It took everyone else a long time to show up, lazy art students!

We were heading out to Cannon Beach and Falcon Point. Long bus ride, the scenery was really beautiful but sort of standard in Washington. I sat next to Diana and we chatted about wooden chopsticks versus plastic ones (non biodegradeable/reuseable vs biodegradeable/cutting down forests). Rachel, the student services lady, had lots of delicious Trader Joe's snack goods for us to munch on. I made myself two sandwiches for the day, egg salad and tuna fish.

The beach was cold and I had many layers. I opted for the hike with Rachel and so we set out. Lots of ups and downs, similar to Washington as well. I had my camera with me, need some nice shots for the darkroom. There were some nice photo oppurtunities, I think these two rolls will have some really nice shots. Don't wanna go in tomorrow and put in extra hours..waahh!!

I met Matt and Andy, who are more MFA students. Matt was reading Watchmen on the bus and was wearing Spiderman cutoff globes. SpidermAndy.

The top of the hike put us on a bluff and it was really windy. Like, my scarf was trying to choke me and escape windy. Quite magestic. Rachel had said it was similar to standing at the edge of the world. I got more of an "edge of the world" feeling from Dungeness Spit than this place, but the hike was worth it. We tried to climb down this one embankment that was a narrow pathway cut into thing bushes but it declined to fast and was too muddy and none of us were in shoes that had any sort of traction (myself being in not distinctly muddy converse all stars) so we went back up. Matt slid into me a couple times and I got my legwarmers muddy from it.

I was cold at the top of the bluff but hiking up and down I went inbetween chilly and boiling under my layers.

I had my egg salad sandwich in my pocket but I only ate half of it as I had munched on snacks pretty constantly on the way there.

At the bottom we walked along the beach and Diana remarked about how hard and stiff the sand was. Californian's are so cute. Amina wasn't too fond of a poor banana slug that was minding its own business and didn't need some teen being all scared of it. The beach was cold and there were surfers doing their thing.

After the hike and the beach we went into Cannon Beach for lunch proper. Rachel and I split an over priced, nothing special fish and chips combination. Skippers/Ivars is better. Then I got some taffy. MMMMMM.

I fell asleep on the ride home.

I finished off my Stephen Colbert icecream and munched on taffy while watching Secretary with Lindsay, Brandon and Ibanez. What a fractured little romance.

Its the good life.


Anonymous said...

cold, muddy and wet in beautiful scenery-that's the good life all right!

Anonymous said...

The Northwest - winter. Hike in Wellies. Do you have yours? Hiking boots are good too.