First up was Powell's. Karen wanted to get this book about cupcakes (titled 500 Cupcakes). They barely had any Cupcake books but had a whole section devoted to soy/vegan bread making. Well, that's Portland for you. I rounded out my Sedaris collection with some sweet on sale items. On the way to the mall I read out of Me Talk Pretty Some Day. Karen has never read any Sedaris but that has changed as I lent her some. She sent me a message saying that she was loving it. Good for her.
At the food court we got some munchies. My pot stickers are so much better, I seriously need to make another batch.
At Old Navy we investigated jeans and sweaters. They had a beautiful selection of red and white striped stuff (where were they when I was making my Waldo costume?). I tried on two sweaters. One was too sheer, which was disappointing because it was a very cute design. The other was a very radiant Kelly Green that had great stretch and length. I picked up a pair of jeans as per Karen's advice (did you know that pants come in several lengths? I no longer have to walk around with trousers in need of hemming! Also Karen has worked in retail for years and knows her stuff. I trust her opinion and she seems to trust mine). There were also some cute shorts on sale. It will all be on super sale because Karen used her employee discount (she works at Gap but Old Navy, Banana Republic, and Gap are all owned by the same company) for 20% off. Yaay! She rocks.
We parted ways, she to work and me to home. I got some ice cream on the way back. Caramel Turtle, mmmm. Reading Sedaris on the Max Ride made it go by so quick. I love the last couple paragraphs to his story "Baby Einstein".
The rest of the day was spent watching tellie and relaxing with the kitten. Which brings me to...
Holly Update!
She woke me up in the night and we cuddled for a bit before I put her back in the bathroom. She is a little too rambunctious at night, she needs time to adjust. We had a good purr-filled cuddle in the morning. I took off her collar so that she could clean herself. She manically licked all over but when she got to the stitches I put it back on.
She has the major run of the house right now. Ibanez hates her/is afraid of her. He runs into his room when he sees her. I don't like keeping him in his room for so much but he can take it.
Holly seems to be in a better mood. She is very playful and friendly so I guess she is taking the separation fairly well. She isn't all about cuddling with me yet but it has only been one day.