

Saturday, April 16, 2011

a day off

Even though I got a full nights sleep, I still felt exhausted all day. Just totally drawn out and not good at all. Every task felt like a chore, the only peace came during yoga. Had a good little mini meeting with Martin. Didn't have a defense to practice, but we talked about organization. We'll meet some time next week. Afterwards I put up some We Buy Diamonds posters and then went to yoga. So nice and relaxing. After that I got some thai food and crawled into bed and ate it and watched stuff. I continued to watch stuff, and didn't feel any better. Just tired and no enthusiasm for anything. And even though I'm tired now, I don't want to go to bed. I guess I'm a bit depressed. Tomorrow I design and print. Hopefully I'll feel better. Maybe I'll get a hug, a hug would be nice. A cuddle would be better.

I'm ready for this to be over.

Todays Portrait Is: Rufus Sewell.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm so close to being done

Every move I make is agony. I may have reached a limit and may spend tomorrow just with Martin, Yoga, and then in bed with books. It hurts. It hurts a lot.

BUT! Today started off being not in pain. Just very very very tired. Got to school at around 10:40 and scanned and uploaded my two pieces for Illustration. Madeline showed up and I got a ride from her to Pinball Studios, a place where we were having a field trip to today. First I got an energy drink and some doughnuts and we talked Game of Thrones. Then we picked up Kristen. We got there ten minutes late, but most of the rest of the people were a bit later, including the teacher. We got a little tour of the printing studio, which had a fat cat named Mimi, and some cool printing presses. None of which I'm the least bit familiar with. We got some freebies as well. Madeline dropped me off at the studios, I grabbed my paper and went to print!

Printed the first text layer on Diana and Morgan, and the color layer on Lacey and Asha.

We did partner yoga stuff, where we used each other to do some poses. It was interesting stuff. I was teamed with Nico. I felt revived, but then in about three hours I crashed.

Printed the color on DeAnn. Exposed the line art for Asha and Lacey. Printed the final text layer on Morgan and Diana. Folded and editioned those. Headed home, feeling utterly spent. I think I'll let my body recuperate tomorrow and bounce back for the weekend. Too many late nights.

Oh I also added a 17th poster: Madeline. So right now I have the first layer on DeAnn, Lacey, and Asha printed which are posters 14, 15 and 16. I have 13 finished thesis posters. I'm so freaking close. Saturday. I'll conserve my energy and go at it full force. Get a burrito. I also need to design the text sides for the remaining four posters anyway. Yeah, tomorrow I'll rest.

OH OH the first schedule for thesis week was released. And I'm not on it. Maybe my thesis has been approved for being so awesome that I don't have to defend it? But yeah, I emailed Linda about it.

Todays Portrait Is: Dara O'Briain.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

nearing the end of it all

I've had over 1,500 blog posts now! Hurrah!

Woke up in a weird haze. Also my back hurt. A lot. Too much physical strain in the past few nights, but getting it done NOW opens next week up to getting my speech and paper tended to. And those are the things that need tending. There is the very real possibility that I will be done with all my thesis printing by weekends end.

At 7:10ish I went to school. Karen treated me to a slice of pizza. She, Robin, and I chatted about after school plans. It's rough telling people that I in all likelihood will be out of Portland come June. If the plan of moving back home goes through, I don't think it will hit till around school time. I spent most of last summer in Seabeck and no one was much fussed about it. I'll throw a going away chili party.

Anyway, it was raining heavily and I got quite wet. After pizza I scanned in my text designs and printed those out. Went to the studio and finished Eva and Karen's posters and finished the lineart on Morgan's portrait side. Basically three black ink layers, which are easy to get through because it is all the same ink. The printing, combined with a free screen from yesterday, opened up four screens. So I emulsified them, made the print outs of Diana and Morgan's text as well as the color layers on Asha and Lacey's posters, into transparencies for the exposure unit and exposed them. So between six screens I have: DeAnn's portrait side color and lineart, Asha color, Lacey color, Diana and Morgan text. The text layers are good because they only need one screen for both layers. Tomorrow the studio is free so I will be getting on that. Should have Diana and Morgan's finished, with at least one more portrait side done. WHOO! My thesis poster total count will be 16.

After printing I pinned up the finished Eva and Karen posters. It feels so great looking at the wall of my art and it really feels proper. I'm so pleased with myself and the work that I'm making. I don't hate it and I'm not yet tired of looking at it. And there are more on the way!

Back at home I watched my tellie and got to work on my illustration project. The one that is due tomorrow. Gaah. It looks good, it just will fall one piece short of the assignment (two instead of three). Oh well. I at least go something done.

Todays Portrait Is: Alan Davies.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the ache begins

Uhhhgnnn. My arm hurts. Too much over use. But now I am generating muscles!

Got up at 11. Showered. Ate a huge sustaining scramble. At 1pm I headed over to Lacey's to draw her. First we went for a walk and got a free cone at Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day. Yum! We talked thesis paper. Lacey is already out of the school system, so she is a good one to talk to about the process of it all. She put on Twin Peaks and I drew her. Didn't have to draw oodles of her before I became satisfied with one of the images. We took another walk to Zupan's and she treated me to a dandelion and burdock root soda that was FANTASTIC. So delicious.

I rode home and drew and relaxed a bit. Went to school for yoga. Did yoga. Went to the studio and counted another reem of paper into 10 sheet stacks and also drew out some more text. Scanned and printed out the text. I didn't get to printing till 10ish. I got a layer on Morgan done. Got a layer on the text for Eva and Karen, though a lot of the text ended up blowing out. Don't know how those editions will look...I think I need to slow down a bit. Don't want to sacrifice quality for quantity. And need to use less opaque inks because opaque SUCKS.

Started listening to Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.

Got three layers ready to print tomorrow. I can only print in the evening Monday-Wednesday. Thursday is an open silk screen studio day. Booyah. I'll knock out a lot then.

Tomorrow I'll work on all the other stuff though.

Todays Portrait Is: Rob Brydon.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

new record?

Got up a bit earlier. Ate a scramble. Did a portrait using just watercolor with no pencil presketch. Went to school for this special lecture on speaking skills. It was informative, I guess. Helped Mel take some photos for her thesis. Drew Asha while she printed. At 6:30 I had a meeting with Joan about my paper. It needs so much revision, but I felt that would be the case. I agreed to have another draft in to her in a week, so that will be a good deadline to get that locked down.

After that meeting I grabbed some doughnuts and a drink and parked in the illustration lab and worked on some of the thesis poster sides and text. Kristen was working on a poster that I offered to print in collaboration for their thesis. As long as she got both layers done, I would print them Monday night (tonight). I wanted them done by 9pm, but she got them printed by 10:45. Got six screens emulsified, exposed the two We Buy Diamonds posters and four thesis portrait sides (DeAnn and Morgan). Kristen helped catch paper so in three hard printing hours we got 100+ (about 107...) two color posters printed. The colors started at pink and blue and went to purple and then blue and then green and then pink. Really freaking cool. Had some trouble with the black layer. I should have printed with process black. I just really wanted the rich opaque quality. Oh well. Some of them are really freaking cool. And got them DONE in the magic allotted time. We left right as the night guard was telling us the school was closed.

Now back to thesis! Tomorrow I am drawing Lacey. I could potentially be sitting on 17 thesis posters. Waiting to be finished are Eva, Diana, and Karen. On screens are Morgan and DeAnn. Designed is Asha. Scheduled to be drawn are Lacey and Tippi. If I get these done, that would be something damn amazing. I'll just be at school as many nights as possible in the next two weeks. I really want to show an EPIC AMOUNT of posters.

Todays Portrait Is: Sean Lock.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

catching up and getting ahead

Damn my sleep schedule is screwed. Keep staying up later and sleeping in more.

So yeah, I slept in BUT even with a late to school start time, I still got much more accomplished than I was planning. Ate a sizable breakfast and went to school. Drew Eva in her studio. Scanned that sketch in. Did the color layouts. Printing out the two layers of that as well as the layers of the Karen and Diana posters. Went to the lab, which was a bit crowded. Emulsified six screens (found Lacey's and asked her if I could use it). While those dried, I went to Safeway and got some snacks and some face lotion, because I was out. Went back, exposed, and then realized that I had set up the power of the unit wrong and exposed it on a low setting, so the image on two of mine washed out entirely. Oops. Still, got four screens exposed. Printed the color layer on Evas. Picked a pink which shifted into a little more pinky taupe. Very nice. Then printed Diana with a royal yellow color. Then Karen in a rustic tan. Then I emulsified the two screens again and exposed the line art for Diana and Karen onto them. While those dried, I printed Eva's line art. And then Diana's line art. And then Karen's. And then at 1am I was done! I printed six layers in the time I thought I could only maybe print five. And now I have three more halves, which when completed will bring my thesis poster total up to 12. And I did that in one day. Whoo!

Back in the studio, I talked to this fellow Brian. Who was very enthusiastic about my sketches. He was also a bit drunk. But I'll take the compliments.

Back at the apartment, I chilled with Mark and Kristen. I'm doing some printing for We Buy Diamonds and the poster that Kristen is working on is AWESOME. I can't wait to print it. It will blow people AWAY.

But now it is beyond an hour that I should be awake at. I've set my alarm and will focus on some initiative to get up, mainly because I think I actually have some stuff to do before class tomorrow, and it will take some time figuring out what that is.

Also I got a really nice email from one of the people in Joan's class (Qathi, which is an awesome name). Nice and helpful. How great a term is "present economy"?

Todays Portrait Is: Phil Jupitus.