

Sunday, April 10, 2011

catching up and getting ahead

Damn my sleep schedule is screwed. Keep staying up later and sleeping in more.

So yeah, I slept in BUT even with a late to school start time, I still got much more accomplished than I was planning. Ate a sizable breakfast and went to school. Drew Eva in her studio. Scanned that sketch in. Did the color layouts. Printing out the two layers of that as well as the layers of the Karen and Diana posters. Went to the lab, which was a bit crowded. Emulsified six screens (found Lacey's and asked her if I could use it). While those dried, I went to Safeway and got some snacks and some face lotion, because I was out. Went back, exposed, and then realized that I had set up the power of the unit wrong and exposed it on a low setting, so the image on two of mine washed out entirely. Oops. Still, got four screens exposed. Printed the color layer on Evas. Picked a pink which shifted into a little more pinky taupe. Very nice. Then printed Diana with a royal yellow color. Then Karen in a rustic tan. Then I emulsified the two screens again and exposed the line art for Diana and Karen onto them. While those dried, I printed Eva's line art. And then Diana's line art. And then Karen's. And then at 1am I was done! I printed six layers in the time I thought I could only maybe print five. And now I have three more halves, which when completed will bring my thesis poster total up to 12. And I did that in one day. Whoo!

Back in the studio, I talked to this fellow Brian. Who was very enthusiastic about my sketches. He was also a bit drunk. But I'll take the compliments.

Back at the apartment, I chilled with Mark and Kristen. I'm doing some printing for We Buy Diamonds and the poster that Kristen is working on is AWESOME. I can't wait to print it. It will blow people AWAY.

But now it is beyond an hour that I should be awake at. I've set my alarm and will focus on some initiative to get up, mainly because I think I actually have some stuff to do before class tomorrow, and it will take some time figuring out what that is.

Also I got a really nice email from one of the people in Joan's class (Qathi, which is an awesome name). Nice and helpful. How great a term is "present economy"?

Todays Portrait Is: Phil Jupitus.

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