The places we wanted to go camping were pretty well booked up or iffy when it comes to availability, so we decided to go to Pulali Point instead. An idea struck me and I decided to call Kristen to see if she wanted to join us at Pulali for the day. It would involve me driving her to and from same day and mom and pop would take the truck separately. No biggie though, I barely drive anymore so hitting the road is a fun experience. Filled up the tank to the top and picked her up at her place.
It was a sunny and beautiful day. Perfect for going to the beach and swimming and generally having a good time. I made a mix CD and it was good background music for our chatting on the way to the Olympic Peninsula. I got a little turned around headed to Quilcene, but got there all right. We stopped for an ice cream treat. Kristen and I arrived before Ma and Pa so I used the spare key to unlock the house. We swung by Celia's and said hello.
Then it was swimming time! We got out swimsuits on and our towels and headed for the water. Celia dove in like a champ, I waded in a while and eventually dove, Kristen kept her hair dry the whole day but did dip in a bit. I swam and swam. I wore my crocs, so whenever I swam, I just let them float, and when I went in for a break I picked them up from where ever they had floated to. Liam was even at Pulali! He dove in right away. Faster than Celia. Good little swimmer he is.
Dad and mom arrived and Dad brought down his wooden board with built in port hole. Liam floated on it but wasn't totally interested, so Kristen hopped on and we swam about together. She paddled and I followed. Dad snorkled some starfish and showed them to us. I put my face under the porthole and bonked my nose a little bit. Heheh.
We floated on the paddleboard to Kirie's and waved hello. Dad gave me a tow in the kayak back. Then we got precariously in the kayak. It was the tippy one that I remember Tim and Kirie toppling over in over a decade ago. But we puttered around just fine in it. Whoo! Exhausted that was the end of our water fun. We showered and dressed and with that complete, we had a snacktacular dinner with mom and dad. Brie, rice crackers, Turkish Delight, cherries, pot stickers, oysters, more brie, and other stuff. Whoo! It was a good light spread. Dad told some of my favorite stories.
Kristen and I went over to say hi to Jeanette, Kirie, Mark, and Liam. Kirie showed us her pile of writing and her little literary journal stuff. It was a short visit. I showed off my quilt. We said goodbye and arrived once again at the beach and there was a little fire going and we roasted marshmallows and all that good stuff. Afterwards I showed her some photo albums. At 8 o'clock we departed. At 9:04 we pulled into her driveway. Perfectly an hour! Just right amount of distance to travel for a day on a private beach. Whoo! Love Grandparent's place on the water. So good. I hung around for a bit looking at silly videos on the Internet with her. at 10:30 I said goodbye. I'll call her tomorrow to see if she wants to hang out again on the water, as I'll be headed back.
OH! Here are some pictures of my finished quilt: