

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

That's It

Done. With days to spare. Days to scan and print. But the main work, that is done. Finished. This comic required so much work. The longest comic I've done thus far(that isn't saying much). Trying new things. Doing things differently. Working hard. This is it. This is what I want to do. I feel great. So dead but so alive.


I went first in Modou's today. Said my spiel, and it went over well. Modou asked me to elaborate on adaptation and the grotesque. I said stuff about how not showing things made it all so much more powerful and worse and that interests me (that concept appears in my comic, the not showing part). He said I was very good about being articulate. Aidan went. She appears to be prolific, humble, and a little be afraid/wary of the future. Karen went. She has changed a lot since the start of the year. For the better. Amina went. I just don't even care about anything she has to say anymore. It just isn't believable. Ingrid talked about how it is sad that not everyone does art when they can.

Pretty easy going final. Just talking about how we make art. It is nice to see so many different view points.

I went home and worked on my comic. Gone one page done in four hours. Start to finish, one page. Pencils, inks, washes, everything! A new record.

Jason's portraits were nice. The portraits of Matt and Greener had a nice combination of the elements in Esteban and Vanessa's. Kim had BEAUTIFUL skulls. Amazing. Just, woah. Amina painted little cakes. Erin had dynamic and colorful medical paintings that were just a little heavy in a few areas when it comes to gouache. I can't remember any of the other work. Leaving some out. Hnn. There was a lot. And a few people missing so we got out early. Next class will be jam-packed with critique. People just like leaving it to the last minute, huh? Not I. For I am the super Trillian.

Just worked on the comics at home. Work work work. Lindsay came home and some hugs were in order because of stuff. Worked some more. Worked into the AM's (as you can tell by when I am posting this entry). But I have it. The cover is all minimal and great. The comic is consistent, which is something I strive for.

I feel great.

Watched so much QI today. Did you know Russian's attached bombs to dogs and trained them to run under tanks to blow them(being the tank and the dog) up? The dogs couldn't tell the difference between the tanks and blew up a few of the Russian ones.

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