

Saturday, May 17, 2008


First full day off. Damn. It feels really good.

I walked down to PNCA in the morning with Jim. Helped him collect some of his stuff together (I am lending him my crappy portfolio for the time being). Beautiful day. Hot day. I bid him far well at the max and got home in an icky, sticky, muggy mess. Uhg. I can't take suddenly ninety degree weather, I just can't!

Rest of the day was spent doing nada. So great. I napped. I half heatedly read. I watched Black Books, QI, and some other stuff. Just did nothing for several hours. I don't know really. Uhg. I need this.

My first year is over. Three left. And now I am getting into the real core classes. Wow. I really like PNCA. It feels like a good fit for me. Most of the things I don't like are my fellow students and since I probably won't be seeing much of them in the future, that is no biggie! Whoo! What can I say about this year? I've grown. I'm more comfortable with myself. I'm away from home but I can take care of myself just fine. I haven't hurt myself on my bike. I've been to every class, every day. Turned in everything. Worked really hard. Did comics. Got a job. Met new people. Made new friends. Lost friends(that's okay though, they were...yeah). It is great. I can't wait for more. Actually, I can wait. I need like a month at the least.

I went to Safeway to get food for the rest of my time here (cheese steak supplies, mac and cheese, etc). I ran into Matt at the store. Really small world. He took a nice photo of me yesterday while I was hanging out with him and Andy. A nice little Polaroid. We talked Lost briefly.

Lindsay and I rolled about in the heat and gabbed and raved. So hot. I probably won't be able to sleep with anything beyond a sheet tonight. And my window is open all the way so it is noisy. That's not cool.

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