I wasn't out that late, or anything. I just figured that since I didn't do much on Saturday, might as well just wait till Sunday to double blog. Anyhoo. Slept in till 1. My body was extra tired from that first week back at work. Did the dishes. Tied up. Relaxed. Later on I went over to the CTV station thingy where Ryan works, unfortunately the comedy show that was going to go on that night (local access) was cancelled, so we just hooked up Netflix to the projector in the station and hung out. Watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, which was fun, and Miller's Crossing, which was confusing.
Set my alarm, because Saturday is for sleeping in and Sunday is for not making it really difficult to get up on Monday. Janet was gone for the weekend, as was Amanda, so I had the house to myself. You bet I wore pajamas all day and had a blanket wrapped around my waist. I roll in style here.
Next Sunday, I'm hanging with Finn & Robin in Oakland for Birthday shenanigans, so that will be fun! Might go up Saturday and hang out in San Francisco and spend the night, so I don't do a whole bunch of driving in the same day. Birthday stuff coming together, yay!
So last weekend, a guy came to my door offering up DVDs. Really obvious bootlegs. I said no thanks and he went away. Today a guy showed up and said, "I don't have any movies." He looked a kilter. I said I couldn't help him and he said thanks and left. Is this some sort of spy code? What is going to happen NEXT week? Well, I won't be around for that.
I watched the Golden Globes (how can Benedict Cumberbatch continue to not win for Sherlock? He is so very good). Generally I took it easy. Stayed in. All that good stuff.
1 comment:
Decide to be a good person who will not be evil.
Inherent in the offer of clone hosting is a clue:::"Earn" by hurting others. This violates this vow, causing people to incurr evil, and the clue you need to avoid it. Sadly, as young people too many are still corrupted, still unenlightened and make the mistake when offered.
Only innocent pure children ascend into heaven, while evil is relegated to entering clone hosting, where they are reincarnated as lesser life forms. One day the Christian Rapture will be used as a "consolation prize", and usher in the era of compensation according to the Bible:::1000 years with Jesus on Earth.
Everlasting life with Jesus, but only for true believers:::Placement to suffer on the next Planet Earth punishment for worshipping a false god.
"Some people are evil." This is the gods fulfilling people's history by pushing them into that legacy. This is the gods accepting culpability and blame with their participation.
As we devolve and approach The End the gods transition to temptation, deceiving them into thinking they are "earning", allowing them to wash their hands of culpability. As this occurrs for more of us in society the gods are preparing for the Apocalypse, for when The End comes the gods will not be to blame for the result.
The disfavored think the opposite, that now that they are participating they have favor, and they will live forever because of it.
Talk of Republicans unwillingness to raise the debt ceiling. They insist on spending cuts.
As inefficent as government has been allowed to become perhaps we should begin with the size of government and look to their own support staff. Sacrifice needs to be made by all. I am concerned there is nepotism and favoritism occurring in these support jobs, and the size gets out of hand because of it. I would expect these Republicans would not be willing to look within their own offices.
Federal and state governments is very much like the farmer and his water allocation:::To continue to achieve increasing allocations they would rather discharge the water rather than report underuse.
Perhaps if I was allowed to work at the Department of Education some progress could have been made, a framework allowed by the Antients. But watching them instruct the clone host fakes in the Federal government to hold out and force the consservative Democrat Obama to look bad illustrates the Antients have made up their minds and intend to force it.
And I made $100B, yet Mike is asking to be allowed to hunt me down when the shit hits the fan, and he has the financial ability to be mobile enough to do so.
I would exterminate the gods and all the planets of good little children they created, all their legacy, from the face of the universe. I hate this fucking filth.
The gods may share some values of the conservatives (mostly good, a little evil), with the exception of capitalism, warmongering and environmental degredation, but they also share in the economic degredation of the conservatives which will bring the United States to bankrupcy and anarchy. It initiated with Ronald Reagan taking the National Debt from $1T to $6T.
And me, the hundred billion dollar man, will have to meekly ask for a nice apartment (conservative timeshare dream).
As long as the gods have this vested interest of the Situation they are calling the shots. They order all proceedings to ensure they get what they want. This is not to say they will transistion when it is over, but I suspect this final absolution of culpability is necessary for them to completely wash their hands of Earth in preparation for the Apocalypse.
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