

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

two tone 'do

I actually only got one full haircut in 2012, and that was by Carmen. And that was in June! Oh how times fly. And my roots are so very grown out. I like being more auburn in my hair color, but that takes so much effort and redying, so I'm just going to let my hair go natural. After work I went to SuperCuts and got my hair cut (as you can see above). It's so flippy with tons of layers and it is so much lighter and it is just GREAT ahhhh. Can't wait to show it off during my birthday party weekend. Wheee!

The necklace I'm wearing is the one I made. The hand was made by Morgaine. It's so neat.

Work was short. I sharpened squeegees for the first part, and caught some shirts for the second part. I'm almost done with Die Trying. Sharpening squeegees is time consuming. Tomorrow I'll be working solo, so I get to sleep in! Perks of my job.

This Tuesday keeps wanting to feel like a Wednesday. Almost done with "Some Hope". Just breezing through the most awesome Patrick Melrose quintet. So many books to read, just a great bed to read them in!

Ahhh I love my new 'do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are adorable!xoxomummy