

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

not A not B then C or I don't understand this game at all

Uhg, I'm really congested and I don't know why. Blergh.

Worked a pretty easy shift, and started near Noon. Not a bad way to have a Monday. Burned some screens, taped those screens, and cleaned some squeegees and screens. Listened to Spoon and Wyrd Sisters.

Back at home, I put on not work clothes and went to game night at Woodstock's. Yay for pizza and beer! A winning combination. Played Saboteur and then Pandemic (which was great) and Ergo (which was impossible to understand). Three and a half hours of game play just about! Afterwards I did a grocery run and returned home and put my feet up.

Don't have any obligations till the 13th. Pretty good.

Still don't understand the congestion.

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