

Sunday, July 29, 2012

bed to couch to bed again

Ohhh you betcha I slept in. I woke up at around the time my alarm usually goes off, then I went back to sleep. Woke up again a bit later. Went back to sleep. Then at around noon I rolled out of bed to commence a very lazy day.

Had doughnuts and orange juice for breakfast. Followed shortly by eggs, bacon, and tea. Then later on I had another creme cheese and avocado sandwich. I snacked through the rest of the meals.

I'm going to a brunch at Michal's place tomorrow. Michal was a classmate from my Freshmen year at PNCA, but she went on to other places. But she is here (all though leaving soon, boo), and there is a brunch shindig so I'm going to that. I think I'll just bring some juice, as I don't have any ideas for what to prepare.

I spent a good chunk of the day watching Doctor Who in a livestream (where people stream stuff online and people congregate to watch). That was fun. Classic Doctor Who, sort of camp episodes that I haven't watched yet. I also read some more Shadow of Night. I wish there were more magic scenes, as I love those descriptions. The romance is sort of getting to me. Blah blah blah carry on.

I felt quite sore all day long. Not sure if it was because of my sleeping situation (the lack of bed) or a day of inactivity after so many days on my feet. Hmm. We'll see how I feel tomorrow, yup yup.

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