Listening to Odd Owl's The Way Home searching for inspiration. COME ON INSPIRATION!!! I'm so stuck. I have the purpose, not the idea.
Anyway. Woke up at 8am, and decided to go back to sleep till 10ish. Made myself a giant sustaining scramble. Worked on transcribing my essay. It is cold in Portland. But not unmanageable. It didn't snow really at all (glorified frost) and ice is only in the corners where it is frequently damp.
Went to class. It was another practice day, but pretty much only for those willing to practice. I worked on finishing up my essay and editing it and helping Dominic with his crossword and wishing Madeline a belated happy birthday and working more on proposal. It is fine tuning and adding touches here and there. It is coming along. I'm looking forward to working on it on the train ride. Practice practice! Class went by fast.
Printed out my train ticket thing. Printed out some recipes from Brynne.
Yoga was a small class. I had my yoga pants over my long johns. It was cozy. And confining.
Made some frozen microwave Trader Joe's basmati rice and chicken for dinner. I also popped open my special apple juice. SO DELICIOUS! So rich. I shared with Kristen and Mark and they were floored by how good it is. It is the pure stuff yo.
Watched Raising Hope. Then Glee. Now I'm trying to get some inspiration.
Oh! Remember that Focus Week Zine I made last semester? I gave one to my teacher Morgan, and now I've heard from some of the people in his classes (the figure and history of printmaking) that he is asking them to make thesis zines! Instead of his usual list of who you attend. How awesome is that? My little project inspired a shift in assignment! And my work stuck in the mind of a professor. Niiice.
Now if only I can find my mp3 player charger. It fell somewhere.
No idea what sort of structure I want to do for my animation. I should go to bed and just sit in class and draw.
How great are these shoes? I like them in brown omber and Earth/Bone...
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