

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Turducken in the Oven

I think last year I was up till about 3am working on the landscape for Nathan...now I'm only up till 2 finishing (well, I've since finished) a painting for Dad. Assessing what I've brought, I think I've neglected Mom on the gift side of the spectrum. Helen has a good amount. Spoiling Helen!

I was the second up, after Dad. Ma was in bed feeling a bit poorly, as was Helen. Everyone is bringing a cold to the table. Here is hoping my health holds out!

When all were up and before daylight receded  we trekked down into the valley. Not a bad hike, even if it was impeded by the snow. Doggy was very enthusiastic about the outing. Dinner was burgers with pomegranate and artichoke following. We took on the daunting task of playing Agricola. A Youtube tutorial helped us immensely and we managed to get through a game in the family mode, which is the easiest way but still is very difficult. We will probably have to play it through a couple times before we add in the cards, which will make it all that much harder. The entirety of the game play took as long as the turducken took in the oven. Yes. We shall be eating a duck stuffed in a chicken stuffed in a turkey...or however the order goes.

I finished the night with Psych and a painting, and then I wrapped my presents. It's quite light on my end of things, so I hope the rest haven't gone too extravagant.

It is Christmas, technically. Forecast says snow, I say, "dear God, no."

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