Most of my posts start at the start of my day, because that is easiest. Got up, had breakfast, as it is the weekend and I'm not working and it is Saturday I watched the new Doctor Who episode. Had some more food.
Then I hopped in my car and headed over the hill to San Jose to spend the day with Steven. You might remember him as being the dude I saw Lawless with and walked around Santa Cruz. Anyway, this time I went up to his area and walked around it with him. San Jose reminds me a lot of other places, but only for a couple blocks at a time. We played frisbee a bit and talked about Discworld and the Bechdel Test. Had dinner, and then brewskis at this new opening place. There was a Reddit meet up of sorts going on, so we shared a table with some other Redditers and talked about stuff that is relevant to the Reddit types. It feels good to know I can be randomly social with people. We shared poutine and it was good, but I want to have proper Montreal poutine. Afterwards we watched the Edward Norton movie Leaves of Grass, and it was an odd, darling, weird little movie. Norton is a great actor who isn't in nearly enough movies these days. My GPS had a dickens of a time finding reception when I was leaving San Jose, but it eventually did.
Tomorrow I'll be back over the hill. Hanging with Natey.
Though have some stuff I want to get done in the morning time.
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