

Friday, September 21, 2012

oh and the soundtrack was swell

Arrived at work at a very good hour, unfortunately there was not much for me to do. I cleaned some things, and went home. The seps were not ready to burn. Monday should be a consuming day. I was given the heads up that there would be leaner weeks. Just have to keep an eye on my expenditures during these times. But I don't really have expensive tastes. Movies, the occasional burger, books...that is about it.

So with my super abbreviated Friday, I kicked back! I washed my car, because it had bird poop and pollen on it, and now it looks nice and shiny. I did laundry. I tied up a bit. Kicked all the way back.

Had my leftover Chinese food for lunch. Had some pasta later on. I saw the 8pm showing of The Master, and it was pretty intense. A really beautiful, well shot film with great performances. I don't quite know what to think of the story, but damn was it nice to behold.

Won't see the midnight movie, Drive. Feeling a bit tired. Have been feeling a bit tired. Some sleeping in will do me good. Probably.

Have art to work on this weekend! No other big pressing plans. Art is good though. Yay art.

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