

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

knit & perler

Spent the night playing with Perler beads. You know, those little plastic beads you arrange on small pegs and melt with an iron to form shapes? Those things. So much fun! Made a few little things, just to get a hang of it. Pretty fun night. Course, I have a very relaxed sense of fun. Heheh.

Joey came up and settled in my bed for a while, so I had some company. She made a big fuss of it when Janet tried to get her to come down stairs.

At work, I rolled this roll of paper off the laminator. Double handing this roll, always holding it up as it got heavier and heavier, and rolling it with your hands? That is a tough work out, I tell you what. Also rand the sleeves on a job, and taped up some screens, and burned some screens. I got a lot of ink on my arms, but none on my shirt. My shirts are considerably less messy than when I started. Whoo!

After work, I made a grocery run. Yay for food. And I installed better anti-virus on my computer. Then I broke out the perler beads and cut loose.

Is this what I expected my life to be like, at age 24?

Dunno. Yes? Maybe?

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