

Monday, March 7, 2011

drawn out and tacoed

I don't like how my alarm doesn't have an independent snooze alarm. So if it gets shut off and I fall back asleep, I get up less early than I wanted. I was still up earlier than normal. Made a to do list. Got to doing it. Did some portraits. Did some showering. Went to public spaces and drew people (park, coffee shop, Powell's). Need to draw more. Need to go places where there is a large flow coming and going. Went to the studios to pick up some stuff. Ended up talking with Dom and Sivonna. Pitched them my idea for a tv show. Basically it would be like the documentary format that The Office and Parks and Recreation are done it, but with artists in a studio space. They were on board. As were Beth and Antonia and Phil and Mel. Maybe the weekend or so after we defend, we'll just film ourselves and make a little pilot. Yeah! Also grabbed some free food. I ate a lot today. Thats good.

Went home. Did dishes. Cleaned room. Went to Trader Joe's and got taco supplies. Made tacos. Rollyn came over. Just for a little bit, as I had work to do. We ate tacos and watched Portlandia and I showed him some of the stuff I've been working on and the print portfolio. He liked my piece before I even said it was mine. Huzzah! Then he left and I did some more portraits. I'm so ahead, it is awesome. Which is good because after Midterms the only thing I'll be working on is the paper. Have to get that done. I'm way behind. And then its back to the art process. Time is running out...it runs so fast.

Right now...I think I'll read my book. Tomorrow I shall get my studio set up and think really hard about my thesis. Like, really hard. I'm in the last slot of the day (which, come to think of it, I can probably set up my studio in the time between the dinner and my meeting, it's really just rearranging and pinning stuff up, I'm not painting). It starts at 6, and my time isn't till 8:30. Still, I'll set my alarm and get up and be productive. I need to make a massive list of things to accomplish because right now I can't focus on all the stuff that I need to do. It hasn't been concreted. OH! That is what I'll do first thing tomorrow: itemize the next two months of my life.

Next week features Mad Men actors! Minus Allison Brie, who I will be drawing when I get to Community actors.

Todays Portrait Is: Giancarlo Esposito.

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