

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

what a crock (pot)

It's weird. Once reading gets labeled as "research" I don't want to do it. I'm so behind in my reading. Just can't get around to doing it. Got around to doing other things.

My eye was barely puffy and barely hurt this morning. Hurrah, it is almost healed! I'll still live it alone for another day or so. Nursing it with a wet cloth is quite soothing.

At 4ish, I went to school to get to my print portfolio. The lab was pretty full of people carving and printing. So I got my screen and paper ready to go. And then I waited. Waited for the class to be over so I could nab some space. Amazing how many of the students actually sat around using the whole damn class time. What the hell kids? You are supposed to leave at 3pm! That's how normal students do it (not me though, I'm also responsible). I got one layer done (there is also a class at 6:30 pm). It is going to take so many early mornings once I actually get cracking on printing my thesis. Not looking forward to a reasonable sleep schedule. Bleh. Afterwards, Karen, Lacey and I went to Yur's for dinner. I had a grilled cheese and a couple Sessions. We talked Doctor Who (Karen doesn't like it but she started in the Matt Smith episodes, and with ones that don't show off the show in its best lights. Diana, who had joined us, and I agreed that The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances would be an excellent place to start). We talked thesis. We talked and talked. Then went our separate ways. I pulled up my television queue and started working on my illustration homework. It's 17"x7" just about, and it is an illustrated recipe. I'll scan it tomorrow and show you guys.

It is just a sketch, to be finished over the coming week. But it looks good. I'm excited for it.

Also I forgot to mention that two mornings ago I fell in the shower. Nothing major. Mostly just banged my side. I completely forgot about it till I lay down that same day. Still, a scary thing in the moment.

Todays Portrait Is: Olivia Britz.

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