

Saturday, February 20, 2010

fashion friday

I made a skirt today! Took me many hours and a couple instances of "I don't understand what the instructions are saying, so I am just going to wing it."

Still feeling sick. It sucks. Oh well.

After a sizable bacon, eggs, and toast breakfast I went to school to see if JP could print my patterns. He helped me size it so that it printed at a 1:1 ratio. The printer automatically charged m 20$ for printing because it was about 25x50 or whatever, but JP adjusted it much lower because he is awesome like that. Much much lower. What a sweetie. Wayne Bund came in and we chatted about how awesome Fabric Depot is.

On the way back home I stopped by Josephine's Dry Goods and bought a couple zippers.

Relaxed a little. Then I cut out the pattern and got to cutting and sewing! I used some of the fabric Joyce sent me because I wanted to do a trial run of the pattern, fit, and technique before I committed to the nicer gingham I bought. Cutting it out went fine. Sewing the side seams went fine. I learned some things about sewing zippers (namely to not sew near the part that zips it open and closed). Sometimes the instructions got confusing and lacked picture explanations. I was doing a pattern from later in the book, so I'm sure some of the techniques got covered in earlier, and easier, patterns. But I learn better by just doing. Pleating was a challenge. I didn't pleat enough of the skirt so the waist band ended up being a little loose. I didn't have any overlap of the buttons...or the zipper. Next time: pleat a lot more. The instructions also called for slip stitching. I have no clue what that is, but since I didn't mind having the thread show I just did the seams the way I know how. I'm pretty happy with it, for a trial run first try. I still need to sew on the buttons.

At 10 I went over to Mel's. She wanted to check out this bar that she constantly passed. Turned out it was small and near empty. So we walked to The Annex instead and got a table under the stairs in the cellar part. We sat and gabbed for an hour in a half. It was really cozy. She is loaning me Six Feet Under season one. Very excited to start watching.

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