

Saturday, October 25, 2008

bread vs diana: round 1: FIGHT!

Science friction went fast. I had some tea to aid in my alertness. I sat between Tabor and Daniel and drew in my sketchbook for most of it. I payed attention to and tried to think of something to say. During the break I oooed and aaaahed over Daniel's new Leyendecker artbook. It is truly beautiful with so many great images.

On day two of the lipstick thing. Working out pretty well. Got a positive response from Robin regarding it.

About five people were missing from the illustration class. I don't get how people can so freely miss their core class on many occasions. And some people have missed three classes, which when we meet once a week is a lot. Most of the class was spent working on that illustration assignment. We had a dull article by Warren Buffet about investing when the market has crashed and we were told to do a picture for it. I choose to go with the part about being greedy when others are fearful. So I went with a guy standing in the background and a large gray mass of screaming and afraid people loom in the foreground. I had a good idea for how I wanted it to look and it ended up better than I expected it to be. I am really proud of myself. It came out really clean and part of the assignment was for it to be readable when shrunk down (like in a magazine) and mine succeeded on that front. The top three, as generally agreed upon by Chad in the class, in terms of readability and relation to the article were Robin's (who did a great metaphorical portrait of the author), Dominic's (a humorous image depicting cashing in from the loss of money) and mine! I am feeling really good about today. The piece took a lot of time. I had my idea within minutes and it took from noon to noon thirty and one thirty to four to complete it. I'm proud of myself. Go Trillian!

Then I went home and finished watching Fur. The scenes with Diane and Lionel were very sweet though some continuity errors made them a little jarring. Very romantic but I didn't like how it was just that chunk of her life. I felt that it didn't show eno...oh wait I forgot that the video stopped working. I haven't finished it yet. Never mind. Robert Downey Jr was good and once the fur was removed you could tell just how well he was acting through it all because the mannerisms carried through.

Friday night means Munchkin night! I showed Robin and Diana how to make gyoza and whipped up two batches. The first was devoured in minutes. Diana is trying this no bread thing so she used the filling itself to make filling for tasty rice balls. They were really neat looking. Very perfect. Phil and Andy joined us in time for the second batch. Then came with Munchkin Cthulhu (Phil has temporarily traded Space Munchkin for it)! That game has some awesome class bonuses such as the Cultist Class where you get a bonus for other cult members and you can't shake the cult status unless you get some rare cards. The monsters were more difficult and we cycled through the cards several times. I enjoyed the deck very much. Robin won...or did Phil win? Or was it Andy. One of them. Not me. Then we played Apples to Apples! Andy won that. I didn't do so well. I'm not so good at reading what other people will pick. I did create a move that is now called "Pulling a Trillian" where you don't like the cards people give you so you toss them and demand a new set.

After the games I made some Jell-o Brain for the potluck tomorrow afternoon. It is suggested that we show up in costume.

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