

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Had to remove all of my blankets and fold them into a pile. Way too hot for comforters, blankets, covers, and all the other stuff. Way too hot for anything really. The heat wave came and boy is it a standard heat wave for the Pacific Northwest. 90's I believe. Computer temperature said 99.

The beach trip was delayed for a day.

Lindsay and I went down to the waterfront to meet Keesee and Lee. Quick walk but the heat was just getting started. Blimey. The fountain wasn't running but some sprinklers were. We were dry again in about fifteen minutes. After we met up with the boys we grabbed some eats at the market. I had some incredibly delicious apple berry juice from a little stand where the workers were known to my companions. They gave us the tasty treats on the house. How awesome is that?

We ran into Mike and we talked a little about summer. He has a job walking door to door and talking to people about the environment. I haven't started looking for a job yet. Ehhh. Yeah.

There was a great gallery with glasswork that we stopped by. There were cool octopus pieces, always of interest to me.

I always forget how horrible my sandals are to walk in when it comes to distances longer than a quarter of a mile. My feet were aching by the time we got to the theatre. The showing of Wall-E wasn't going on for about an hour so we sat down and got something much needed to drink. The boys played arcade games.

Wall-E is just as good as the first time I saw it months ago(remember I was part of a test audience for it?). Better now that it is complete. It all came together. I'm sure it will be a Pixar classic up there with The Incredibles and Toy Story, not down there with the likes of Cars. Bleh. Computer graphics have come a long way in a short time and Pixar is boss.

Lindsay and I took the Max home. The glorious, air conditioned Max. For the rest of the day I refused to walk. Lindsay packed some things and went to hang out with Keesee. And so I haven't really walked much. Watched Dexter, read more Snuff, ate more Popsicles. Wonderful! If only it would stop being ninety degrees.

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