

Friday, June 27, 2008

missus 42

I've been reading Snuff. It's pretty cool thus far. Not for everyone (sort of standard Palahniuk fare). I am really into how each chapter is told by someone else's point of view (well four different people so far, probably a few more as it goes on) and each chapter overlaps with the others in terms of description and interactions. Each one is told differently but still all of them are distinctly Chuck P. I'm loving it.

All caught up on Doctor Who now. And right before the big season climax as well. The library episodes really scared me. I shouldn't have watched them so late at night. Way too dark. Watched Less Than Zero. Sort of a let down really. Not that good, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a better Robert Downey Jr movie. Started watching Dexter. Creepy goodness.

I went to PNCA to print out some forms. New art is going up. Aidan Koch has a show right now. Her work is so distinct. The main commons are mostly empty.

Beautiful day for biking. Warm and bright. Just made the school loop. This old grocery store I went by on 19th was torn down near the end of the school year. Now there is a big hole. I hope some nice houses go up there. Nothing tacky. It is in the Nob Hill area so nothing too big will be there. Maybe a small business complex.

Lindsay went out with Gavin tonight.

My arms are looking a little tan but that is probably just my imagination. Legs are as pasty as ever.

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