

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

inktober begins

I left the house today! Woohoo! Also the "h" key has stopped working on my keyboard so now I must copy and paste the letter when I want to use it. Well control+V it in. Oh well.

I left the house today! I went to get gas and groceries. I was almost running on fumes when I got into the station in Quilcene. Filled up. Very chaching but hey, I'm not filling up every day anymore! So that is a good thing. Then I went and bought some snap peas and instant coffee and emergen-c and shampoo and other stuff at QFC. It was a gray day. Gray and a little bit rainy. I finished reading Sharp Objects and made some brownies and gave Celia back her bowl.

October means Inktober which means an ink drawing every day. I did one today. I'll try to keep it up. I'll scan and post it....later.

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