

Saturday, October 12, 2013

taxi driver

Got the backs printed! And oh it was tricky. The back design was about half an inch smaller in length than the surface area we were printing on. It was a squeeze but we did it! And by we I mean Jeff. I just clapped for Jeff.

I like the days where I'm really busy. Do this, then this! I don't like hovering around half way doing tasks, but when I might be needed, I can't go and do a lengthy task. Ended the day with coating screens and then, weekend! Yay!

At home I had some pasta, then I went over to movie night at CTV. We watched Dr. Horrible and Nightmare Before Christmas on the projector, then we watched funny Youtube videos. Some of the people in attendance attended UCSC and made me feel a bit old, but they were cool. They accidentally missed their bus, so I gave them a ride home. Not that much of a biggie, as the campus isn't that far out. And it's the nice thing to do. And heading back I was able to get right on 1, so it probably took the same amount of time to get back as it would have had I just come from downtown.

It's the weekend! Yay! Sleep in? Why yes I shall!

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