

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

trust no one on april first

Finished Divergent. I dunno, it started really strong but it had some weak points. Maybe when books are set out to be written as trilogies, then more can be left out of single tomes and so they don't have the best structure because experiencing it you know it is all just the first act. Still, it had some good parts. Though I think so much of the main body of the story was shucked a bit by the way it changed in the end, and there are some holes in regards to world building. Again that might be something resolved in later books, but it shouldn't HAVE to be that way.

Not sure what I'll listen to next.

At work we ran a common job. Took a lot of little tweaks, but we did it. Ran a small job too. I counted shirts. Burned some screens. All in a days work!

My arms hurt all day, I think my groceries may have been too heavy.

I've been taking it easy far too many days in a row, need to do something! Hmm.

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