

Thursday, April 18, 2013


My eyes hurt. Too much computer? Or just too tired? Either way. What a day!

Finished those sleeves. I registered them like a champ. Boss told me that if I felt like they were lined up, I should just go ahead and print 'em. The better I get, the less work he has to do on this end of things. Which makes all things better. Sleeves and then I put on youth pallets and then 1100 units were counted in of this job that is due really soon. So we got started. We roto'd the first 100 or so, because there wasn't an underbase screen (roto = send the print around twice to get a second layer of ink instead of two screens, it is slower to print but it takes less screens and set up, so for smaller jobs it isn't the worst idea). Then the second screen was put in and it went so much faster. Got another 200 through the press and then I was tired and done diddly done for the day. Tomorrow will be the fronts. Andrew reclaimed the screens while I printed. Plum Island is an okay audiobook. The main guy is so sarcastic and sardonic, it's an enjoyable change of pace from, ya know, the cannibal guy.

Our stove will get wheeled out of its place and replaced. If they are just going to trash it, we might try and keep it for some back yard decoration.

At home I had a salad and a headache was working its way back and forth. The heat in the studio was getting to me a bit too, I think.

I've been in shorts all this week and the week previous. I think those pants will be put away for the season. Yaay!

Chatted with Alana. Janet's birthday is soon so I quickly ordered her a present that I know she'll like. Etsy is great, and my talented friends who make great art are great.

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