

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

the light at the end of my flashlight

Work was slow and spaced out. Lots of odd little things. Set up a job, but we haven't run it just yet. Put back the squeegees. Organized. Cut some stickers and things. Burned and taped some screens.

I twerked my leg a few days ago, I don't know how though. But there is a bruise on my foot. Don't remember banging it on anything. My bad knee has gone back to being my bad knee, and my hip feels funky. I don't like it. I don't exactly work a job where I can keep off my leg. Hmmn. Ah it will get better.

Met Daniel and his friend Wes for the 7:30 showing of Cloud Atlas at the Del Mar. It was lovely! I was a bit iffy towards the movie because they make a bunch of white actors look Korean, but they use the actors in just about every story (there are six different stories told during different parts of time, and each is told in tandem with one another), and they make all of them into different ethnicities. Though yellowface and blackface is still...yeah. Beyond that, it was really great. The cast was excellent. Lots of great roles, lots of great shots, good effects (aside from the makeup, which was a bit awkward). It made me feel really happy. The stories were uplifting but also sad, but also funny. It was well balanced and well paced, which is quite the feat with a two and a half hour long movie. I enjoyed it. I have the book, so...now I have to read it! To get the full shebang!

M cellphone fell out of my jacket pocket, so I had to wait for the movie to end to find it, my penlight was a bit too bright and I didn't want to distract people with my searchings.

Now I rest. Another day, more excitement awaits!

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