

Thursday, March 5, 2009

orange gold and grey

Another member of the PNCA community was hit by a car while riding their bike. Asha was wearing a helmet and will be fine. It was a case, like with the other two, of a driver turning right and not paying attention. This time it was a drunk driver and not a cement mixer or garbage truck. I make sure to make eye contact and wait for drivers. I'm very safe and have an awesome helmet. I occasionally get cut off but I've never come close. I brake on time no problem.

Someone stole my Norwegian bike seat cover that dad gave me. Thankfully I have extras but what a jerk move.

Printing was long. I spent the first hour and a half carving. Madeline joined me for lunch. We talked about movies at sat outside. I had a burrito and a slice of apple pie. A little pricey but so good and the apple pie made for a great late afternoon snack. None of my edition is registered correctly. Oh well. The light gray blended to make a gold color. As long as the dark gray and black line up, it should be okay. Got that all printed. Patsy (not Betsy as I may have said) was printing hers at the same time. She asked for my advice and some tips which I thought was very sweet. While I was working, a large portion in the other room were watching Wristcutters.

After cleaning I spent another hour carving so that next time, all I have to do is roll up the black and off I goooo. Diana swept. Patsy and I moved some of the prints around so that more of the drying rack was freed up for other printers. We did it with lots of respect (unlike other people who just sort of shove them all together in a pile and assume they are dry).

Didn't have any break between class and yoga. Yoga was no so good today but I worked hard. Some times the sessions crawl painfully by but today it just sailed. We spent more time in certain things. Really strained the joints but in the end it felt good. I need arm strength.

Got home at around 8:30. Had a hell of a time getting in the door. The key wouldn't work. It eventually did but I had this problem last semester. Hung around with Karen. Went over to Robin's and chilled with her, Kristen, and Natalie. Robin is such an amazing painter. She can mix colors like nobodies business.

Rest of the night was spent chilling. It was a long day.

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