

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

eclectic electric eraser

At around 10:20 this morning some people knocked on my door, informing me of an insect bate to be placed in my apartment. I went back to bed for about three minutes before it hit me that it wasn't 9:20. I tore out of bed and showered and ruffled my hair and threw on some clothes and then I was out of there! And on time!

Joe was out doing something else so we had a sub in, the other painting teacher Josh. Err I think his name was Josh. A young talented painter. We reviewed our color compositions and our final products. Marilyn returned to class(she has been sick) and presented some more amazing line work. Took two hours to get through our decisions. After lunch he showed us his process on this commission and presented this way of doing a preemptive value study. He photocopied a sketch and did a gradient of pencil over it so it was all at a middle value. Using an electric(!) eraser he went into that and pulled out some highlights and then added some dark values with the pencil. It was instant awesome! We did the same with our sketches and it was revealed that a flat color that went over most of the image with shades in the knives and stockings looked a lot better than lots of separate parts. Whoodathunkit?

I had some Quizno's for lunch. Walked around with Mel and Melissa and chatted with Matt and Madeline after.

It was sunny then it rained for a minute then it was sunny and then it hailed and then it was sunny again.

After class, Josh, Janessa, Dominic and I went to the Annex for a couple drinks. Sat about drawing and chatting and we played telephone pictionary. Lots of fun sitting up on the second floor and viewing the surroundings. It is a lovely, cozy place.

We parted ways and I went home and had a two course dinner of cheesy pasta and cheesy rice with chicken. Finished up the disk of The Champions and did my laundry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your events. Life is good. Just leaving Capetown and should be back home soon. Take it easy.