

Friday, March 6, 2009

99 luftballoons

Only math today. Joe is sick. Boo Joe, been missing a lot of class.

Math only focused on making a circle with a circumcenter and an in circle center. Thing. Yeah. Also we went over terms and vocabulary. Karen borrowed my compass. After class I sat in the print studio for a while and got a jump on my math homework. Then I took a nap in the library. Then I got some munchings from Safeway, checked out a tablet, put my headphones on and worked for about four and a half hours on my digital project. Just watched TV on the Internet and work work worked. I like how it is progressing but it needs less...something and more something else.

I Fandangoed some tickets to see Watchmen tonight. Did it for Karen and Adam as well. Nothing beats a midnight showing surrounded by fans.

When I left school, I was right behind Katie on her bike. We paced each other all the way back. I would have been a little faster but I was struggling with the shoulder strap on my bag.

Ate lunch. Relaxed. Waited out the hours till Watchmen. Nikki, Katie's pregnant friend, was over. I pushed the baby name of Bacon onto her some more.

At 10:30 I went up to Karen's. We managed to catch the max downtown. Adam stood in the way so that Karen could get on board. The driver glared at us but we didn't get in that much trouble. We cut in line with Taylor, Blair and crew. We met Taylor's lovely friendly girlfriend. We didn't sit with them though.

This was it.
Underwhelming. When it followed the comic, it did so perfectly. Word for word and with so many of the images. The ending worked. But overall it really just doesn't translate as a movie (I was also a little bit tired). Effects were good, nice casting, lengthy and I heard that there is a 4 hour director cut. Hmm. Not really all that bad. Karen had to shield her eyes at some of the violence.


Okay it is 4:00am. I'm going to bed. I'll ponder some more.

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