

Friday, October 17, 2008

a MAJOR trillian first

Man oh man, I don't know what happened. I woke up at 6:30 and I guess I was disoriented or something and I didn't wake up again till 8:45. I rushed to the shower and threw on some clothes and set off to school (but I obeyed the laws, late is late). I got there right as they were going on break. I didn't contribute to class but I was still there. Sadly I missed the general core of the discussion that normally happens in the first hour. Two and a half semesters with no lates (that I can recall, and at least not an hour late). I'm starting to wonder if this lit class was too much but it is too late to bail out now. And some comics that I've read are coming up so that will be a much easier assignment(I still plan to read them again, but I'm already closely familiar with them).

Our Illustration critique was done ala reality show judging. Three of us sat as a panel and gave the main critique and whoever we were critiquing was on the panel next time and we continued to swap out like that through the three and a half hour session. I really liked that format because everyone had to say something and with three people getting the main stuff out of the way, the extra critiques from the rest of the class were more specific.

It was agreed that how I drew my first one was out of place with the dramatic second and third pieces. Generally they liked my compositions and it was a pretty good assessment. In depth enough without the Modou/Experiments in Drawing levels of brutality. For the rest of class we worked on our next assignment and watched a documentary on Toulouse Lautrec. I did a quick doodle for Karen, which I presented to her in her studio. She, Robin, and I lounged and talked in her little corner and went over our day and weekend plans.

For lunch, Bekka and I went to Starbucks. I got a warm drink, a cold drink for later, and a delicious sweet bagel. It quite sated me and it came in as cheaper than any other nearby eatery. On the way there we passed a rooftop garden. Well we looked up and saw it. Some of the greenery was spilling out over the sides and it was a lovely site to see in a city.

The last few minutes of lunch were spend indulging my new addiction for perusing artbooks and photo copying the images that inspire me. I got a new binder and some more sleeves so I can start my SECOND book of inspiration. All the groovy art kids have them and it is good to know what is going on now when it comes to the scene. Most of the copies are from the most recent American Illustrators book. Each one provides about three to seven images that I like and that is out of hundreds. I figure that once I compile enough, I will go through them and figure out the specifics of things that I find attractive in illustration, photography, design, and general art.

I'm doing my laundry and after that I am going up to Karen's for a quick game of munchkin. Tomorrow I will be live blogging the 24 Hour Comic Challenge so check back through the day, if you have time, and see what I have been up to. Huzzah!

Update: Munchkin was fun. We played two speed rounds. Robin won the first one joyfully and Adam won the second viciously. While Robin was all, "yaaay!!" when it came time for Adam to win he jumped about and hollered and threw down his winning cards. I was close both times but just not close enough. Phil's brother Andy is in town. He moved here actually and is looking for work and whatnot. He has a graphic design degree. He introduced us to pictionary telephone. One person writes something and the next person draws it. Then the next person writes what they think they see and the next person draws that. And so on. My Superman picking up dog poo while Batman moons him became Superman watching as Batman melted into poo. There were fire breathing slugs and footless musclemen flipping pancakes. Very fun game and I look forward to forcing it upon you guys come Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You snooze, you loose. Maybe those classes are just too early for you.