

Monday, February 9, 2015

ditched again


Slept in, and then when I finally rolled out of bed, I put on my rain jacket and went to observe the ditches. I scraped the ground so the flow was better, and pulled a few twigs out. When I came home from the day's fun, I noticed Celia had dug out the ditches nice and proper, so I've got to give her a good thank you for that! The rain has been ferocious and constant.

I went over to Suquamish to see Aaron. Not just dinner on my way home from work. And you know what he surprised me with? Cheerwine!! You can buy it at Bevmo apparently. What a guy! And he made an awesome shepard's pie. I helped chop the yams and rosemary. I had two massive servings, and then we watched Horns which wasn't all that great. I didn't stay over. Not a bad drive back through Port...Port...Gamble? What a weird town. Looks like a model town, not a real place anyone would live.


Slept in. Itemized what I need to do tomorrow (call Straight Talk to get replacement voucher for busted phone, health insurance, job stuff) and looked at a day full of nothing and decided to see Jupiter Ascending and hang a bit with Marcus after.

So here's the thing about Jupiter Ascending: it's goddamn amazing. It's the movie every tween girl wrote. It's full of characters from every young gal's imagination. The men of interest in the movie lack the male power fantasy dynamic that is present in pretty much every other movie. Jupiter's costumes and makeup are perfection. It's so much damn fun and it made me yearn for a youth full of imagination and that lack of hindrance that comes with experience. I loved it. And the movie will flop. It's not what most people want to see, or expect to see, or like seeing. As fun as it is, it just isn't a movie that will speak to the masses, and unfortunately by masses I mean the guys who pay time and time again to see stuff. Argh.


I met Marcus at Shari's. I had pie, he had cocoa, and we talked Jupiter Ascending (I explained why it's so great) and television and other movies. We have very differing opinions and interests so it generally makes for good conversation (i.e. the trend of high waisted pants in the fashion design of the movie Her). It is so easy for me to spend the whole day at home, so I gotta take the initiative to get out more often.

And I put $8 of gas in my car, which actually was more than 2 gallons. Gas is going up, but it's still way cheap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should post your good review of Jupiter Ascending on a website that takes movie reviews like Fandango. People would appreciate your viewpoint. mum