

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I started listening to Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, and I got so caught up I ended up working two hours without even taking note! I was cutting stickers and bagging them and all that fun stuff. I'm looking forward to a good long listen, after several books that clock in at around 10 hours.

It was a nice day today, hurray! I burned some screens, I taped them, I helped run a vinyl printing job. Tricky stuff, weird ink, very smelly ink too. I cut down paper. Stewart mixed ink. A nice long shift. Chopping stickers takes longer than one might think, and I'm still not yet done!

Back at home I had some pasta, and relaxed in my jammies. Didn't think about all the things I have to do and the remaining time I have to do them in. I'll think about that tomorrow.

Heart Shaped Box had a very satisfying ending. Wasn't the most groundbreaking of stories, but it was told really well.

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