

Saturday, May 30, 2015

accidentally in the dark

Dad told me the power was going to go out last night, and I didn't remember that it was going to till...it went out. And it stayed out. Oops. Okay.


My internet was spotty, so I moved my setup to the porch, which wasn't too shabby of a place to work from but I wish I had a more functional computer, because hauling out the keyboard and typing on that instead of the one on the laptop is a bit tedious, and the layout of where the mouse/tracker pad is makes it all very awkward and it strains my arms and wrist.

Got a chunk of work done, and went to bed tired.


On site! I photographed and talked this and that. Got two more boxes done. We are nearing the end game of item documentation. Just tidying things up, getting it all organized. MMm hmm. I picked up a few more things to add to the "work for trade" pile, including a Coach purse in excellent condition but still used and thus worth much less. Now I have a second bag of similar size, but in black leather...for my goth looks.

After being stuck in traffic for 45 minutes, I arrived in Suquamish! Aaron and I got dinner at Sully's and walked on the beach and I pointed at rocks and asked him to identify them. No way to know if he was actually correct, but he sounded correct. A nice little evening, then back west I went...and the power cut out.


Had a restless night sleep. I just couldn't get settled. I had a light breakfast and popcorn for lunch. I set out my stuff on the porch again, just because it is so nice out there. I think I'll have a hootenanny here for the 4th, and maybe do a less controlled invite than Friendsgiving.

I deposited my checks, but it was in the box not an ATM, so they won't clear till Monday, boo! (I was late getting to the branch). I went food shopping and bought my staples, but I might make another run and get supplies for a crock pot meal. Been craving variety.

A nice mellow day. I didn't do any work from home though...but I have a till next Thursday window to work.

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