

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

maus is in the haus

So I received some creative input and the reason why my cakes end up baking screwy is that I have them too high in the oven.

My week has started again. Before I know it I will be keeling over into my bed at 5:30pm Friday afternoon.

We had Kate in figure drawing. Kate is a horrible model. She falls asleep and snores and moves about and twitches and shifts without warning. She is grumpy and doesn't use a model blanket when she sits on stuff. I'd love drawing her is she was a good model, but she isn't. So following the David Sedaris doctrine: I am free to dislike her as much as I like because she sucks. Seriously, she is not worth what they pay models. Argh. But we didn't have to draw her that much today as we were mostly absorbed with critique and chat. I loved all the warped perspective drawings. Morgan did a baby perspective about how as they look around the color shifts (if it is real or not, I need to look it up to find out). There were lots of Chinese ones, a few fish eye, and a couple cave painting. The drawings were also incredibly varied and really showed the variation within the class.

I photocopied my comic club fliers and Karen helped me put them up around campus. Taylor had a couple up but I prefer mine as I think they convey the point a little better and have, if ever so slightly, something to do with comics. They are smaller and maybe are not as eye catching. In the future we need to photocopy on colored paper.

Oh man oh man, this design class is crap. She went through websites which, sure, had great examples but when I try to think about how she is explaining the importance well, I come away with nothing. While it is nice that I'm not having to go full steam in every class, I do wish that all this work actually amounted to something. She seems like the type to grade really hard out of nowhere. She doesn't even push people to present if they are not feeling up to it. This is a 300 level class people, you should have been ready to go a week ago! I was. I got up there and practically did back flips because Beardsley is so awesome. Karen and I drew a little comic expressing our feelings of the class. It was pretty funny. Karen's panels were the best ranging from: "this website was built badly but the type face will teach you everything about art nouveau" to "and this sexy number is a Morris. and why did he do it? Why not! this isnt lazy boy!". This is how the class is: here's a website. Here's an artist on the website. Look at this picture. ISN'T IT GREAT OH MY GOSH ITS AWESOME AND REMARKABLE AND MEANINGFUL AND TOTALLY CHANGED HISTORY. Here's another picture. Aaaarrrgggghhhhhhhhh!!!

Student council had lentil soup. This is just for Auntie B: I ate some and enjoyed it!!Rainbow didn't quite explain her reasoning about why the ticket system was bad but we got rid of it anyway. All though her point about how our money should be used for better things that food was a little silly because if you want the money spent on things that are not clubs or food, you need to put in a budget request for the thing you want and what it is for. If people don't do that then you shouldn't whinge about what the money is getting used for. The guy came in and explained why our Mac computer servers are horrible. Terry asked Diana (well not quite asked)that the issues of concern be put before the budget requests. There is a lot of upheaval taking place in student council. My job is just to get there early with Karen, move chairs, eat food, and listen.

I beat the system and got a 50 cent soda from the horrible 70 cents only machine. I don't know how it screwed up but I got a cheaper Dr Pepper! Hurray! We did a short critique on our portrait projects. They all looked good across the board and I think Karen and both the Erin's really stood out in terms of color and contrast. Jen amazed us yet again with her ability to make a person look like who she is drawing and have wonderful but not over bearing minute details.

We had a model for the rest of class. He just did one classic pose. My guy was rather orange and purple. I did a light orange layout first. No pencil! Karen's style is changing and the way she uses color is very interesting to me. I sort of ripped off Erin from Alaska's lines for the body hair of the dude. Class was very fun today. Bryan livened us up with theme songs from old shows sung on request. He reminds me a little of my friend Chris. Might have been because he was wearing the crowbar shirt. It was a joyful and relaxing way to end the day.

I figured out the knee problems I have been having lately. My bike seat is too long. I was sacrificing my joints for having my feet be solid on the ground. Just moving it a little higher up relieved so much of the aches that I have been feeling lately. If only I could do something about that knot in my back.

Art Spiegelman is in Portland Thursday night. I grabbed some tickets as soon as Karen said she would drive me. I got one extra because I thought Jen would be free but turns out she is busy. I'll figure something out. I sent a mass message out to my pals to see if anyone is available. It will work out, Spiegelman is the important part of it anyway.

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