

Friday, November 9, 2012

itemized awesome

Thirteen hour shift, BUUUUT it is a four day weekend! The Boss is going to a little conference thingy.

So some awesome things happened at work today:

  1. I was shown how to tape the edges on banners, so now that is another skill I have. More skills, more awesomeness!
  2. Boss said that I could use the facilities at work to print, though I think I'll still work on my at home set up. Just knowing I can use the exposure unit is awesome. At home I can work on my own time and stuff, but yeah. That is awesome!
  3. Boss asked if I would like to design a shirt. WHOOO!! Something with some Santa Cruz landscapes in it. I'm already having plenty of ideas, and am looking forward to sketching my new city. How great is that? 
I weeded some vinyl, and caught a job which ended up running a bit longer due to a totally unfigureoutable problem. Something was up and eventually it stopped being up. I wanted to see Skyfall tonight, but I am tired! I'll catch a matinee tomorrow, because it is THE WEEKEND FOR ME! Clear on till Tuesday!

There will be no portrait today, but two tomorrow most likely.

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