

Sunday, August 7, 2011

dragons left me groggy all weekend

Went to Pulali for a bit of the weekend. Didn't feel like blogging.


Sat out in the sun and started reading Jennifer Government. Starting to develop very faint tan lines. Oh, I also stayed up till dawn Wednesday night finishing Dance with Dragons. SO DARN GOOD, OH MY GOSH. I almost can't believe it, how good it was.

Later in the day, we packed up the truck with some food and clothes and set off for Pulali. The sun went away just as we arrived, and stayed hidden till we left two days later. Boo!

Dinner was hot dogs and we watched So You Think You Can Dance. I had a restless night sleep.

Today's Portrait is: Chuck Palahniuk.


The sun was still non existent. I helped shovel out the steps. I read a bit. We walked along the beach. I scuffed up my shoes.

I didn't do much that day. Well, I made a book jacket for Jennifer Government because I really really disliked the jacket design. The weather wasn't nice enough to be worth lounging on the beach.

Today's Portait is: Cormac McCarthy.


Dad made pancakes for breakfast, so that was awesome. Been having really irregular nights sleep during the whole stay, so I was pretty tired and out of it for the whole day. Ma had a wedding reception to go to, so we packed up Pulali pretty early. I napped in the back seat of the truck during part of the reception and walked with Holly for another part. Snagged some cake. My new teeshirt was in the mail when we got back. Yaaay! For the rest of the day we relaxed. Didn't get up to much. A full nights regular sleep should restore me.

Todays Portrait Is: Mary Roach.

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