

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the long haul (up the stairs)

Bike was safe from 11 to 8:20. Tomorrow will be the printmaking room test. I think it should be fine. I won't be leaving the studio really.

Narrative image. First hour and a half was a critique of our thumbnails for our comic pages. It was nice how many people really loosely took the concept of sequential narrative. Natalie (not Nathalie) and Kristen both had no border between word and image. Rachel and Amanda had very solid borders. I decided to go with four vingettes concerning the aquirment of our Christmas trees. Dad and I getting a tree from the property, Dad and I sneaking one from a conservatory area, and going to Kunie's. Also a few panels of me thinking about Mum and Dad getting one on their own. It should be neat.

Lunch was a Pad Thai microwaveable noodle box from Trader Joe's. My favorite thus far (favorite of two). Crunchy mysterious things delicious noodles, good sauce. Lots of sodium but I don't give a bibble about that.

Finished up the critique and then it was time to meet Dame Darcy! I've liked her work since I was 16 (haven't actively pursued it but I always like seeing it around, it's very distinct). She gave us a pretty known already rundown of the history of art and icons. Talked about her own work. The thing that was really important was about how to get published, finding an agent, and all that. All the lectures really boil down to "work hard for a decade promoting yourself, get success in your 30's." I'm cool with that. Work hard and get good at your passion. She signed my copy of Gasoline even. It wasn't a meet and greet, so much as a little lecture. Hopefully she will return to school. She lives in Portland so she isn't all that far away.

After the break we discussed panels and gutters and transitions and things I've already learned three times over. Still, good to keep learning.

I read the reading assignment during the wait for yoga. Well I read it, and then I read three more chapters. We are reading a chunk out of Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli. It has a beautiful ease about it. Pure art in every panel. Mum. Buy it, read it, and give it to me for Christmas!

Yoga was full of delightful people. At least 8 other members. One girl looked like Vampire Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. During one balance pose, where you hold onto your toe and stick your leg out, we grabbed each others ankles with our free hand and formed one long awesome chain. So cool. After class, Fawn asked if I wanted to design an ad for her. Is it to be placed in the back of a comic for this thing coming up. I said yes before she even mentioned she would pay me. I'll check out the specs tomorrow and get right on it (it needs to be drawn before the week is out, but I'm not all that worried).

Went to Safeway to buy some girly things that a girl needs sometime. And a box of mini Charleston Chews. I only got to enjoy half of it. It fell when I was riding my bike and became a victim of the pavement. This is like, the worst thing ever! Boo!

Getting the bike down the stairs was considerably simpler when I set my bags at the bottom and devoted all my energy and limbs to hoisting the thing. It rained a little during my return, but it was a nice break from the random 80 degree days.

Watched House, Lie To Me, and Heroes. In that order. Sketched some ideas for tomorrow's monotype. I have two concepts I am digging. House was a pretty good follow up to the season premier. Lie To Me was neat. Robert Knepper is the only reason Heroes is keeping my interest (oh and Sylar, he is always fun to watch).

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