

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Well, today was a waste. Three day weekends are lame for productivity.
Slept in.
Read a little of Gasoline.
Resorted my back issues of Esquire so that they were once again in chronological order.
Watched some TV.
Miranda came over and she and Katie worked on a photo album for Tom.
Went to the store and bought dish soap, detergent, laundry soap, Febreeze, and udon. Why do cleaning supplies cost so much?
Wore my red loose printed shirt that Celia gave me oh so many years ago.

Tomorrow must dos:
Finish chapters of Gasoline and respond to them in writing and in art.
Edit my memoir.
Pick part of memoir to turn into comic.
Create sketches for said comic.

Tomorrow maybe dos:
Research more Anthropology.
Start writing for History of Laughter.
Start writing for History of Printmaking.
Think about monotype.

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