

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


It is 10:20pm Tuesday night. I have three things left on my "oh my God I'm stressed out with all that I have to do" list. The first isn't due until Friday and that is a proposal. I just have to figure out what part of the book I am adapting. No biggie. The second is figuring out what to do for my Art History piece. I already have an idea, I just need to sketch it out and start on it. Also no biggie. The third is just a general, "I need to print" memo.

In short: I have passed by the major stressful assignments. I have the painting rewrite in. I have a good chunk done on my sequential piece. I wrote my paper on Gerald Scarfe and selected images from my artbook to show the class. I have my stone etched. I am ready to take on Finals Month.

So Experiments in Drawing was mostly discussion. Is just talking about a concept art in itself? How do you price work? And some other stuff. I contributed a little less to the conversation than normal. It was really hard to jump in as I kept having people talk over me. This was true for a couple people. Mmmm. I walked back home with Lindsay. It was raining slightly but that was okay.

I perused Craigslist for apartments and ate some lunch. I want to move out after this semester so now is the time to look. Hard to find a place when you are a student with no income (seeing as how I won't have my custodian job when this semester ends). I went in early to talk to the lady at housing. She gave me some lists of places to call and other print outs. It is a pretty long list, must be a few cheap places open.

After that I sort of threw together a better proposal. I'm still not solid on it but I think I can make it work with a more careful choice in my subject matter (who I paint and how I present them).

Painting was spent working on my mountain men piece. They are dancing around a fire at night and the drumming mountain men catches a wink from one of the dancing mountain ladies. Charlie digs it.

Returned and picked up some library things. I have some open time to relax now. Whoo! Need to take it, because it will be crunch time soon.

Final Project List/Things to Finish by Finals:
Art History: Renaissance to WWII: Piece influenced by Art History/Final Test/Final Paper on a piece in the Portland Art Museum
Experiments in Drawing: Presentation of a concept. No piece produced, just an idea and have that be art (yeah, I don't know either. Somewhere along the line the "drawing" part was forgotten from the title).
Painting Techniques for Illustrators: Sequential painting. Series of portraits that reflect a timeline of my life.
Printmaking: Intaglio & Lithograph: Finish first stone and six prints. Second stone, two color prints of currently unknown number. Rework old plates and produce some more prints.
Illuminating Manuscripts: Comics, Strips, and Graphic Novels: Read and respond to Alan Moore's From Hell. Produce my own comic (I am illustrating in comic form a scene from Ryu Murakami's Piercing).

That's it.

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