

Sunday, April 6, 2008

frustrated I am

I don't like my painting. I'm going to just start over. It looks like crap. The color is washed out, or it is too thick and all wrong. I don't want to spend six hours trying to fix one piece when I have to do three. Wasted so much time on it. Thought it would be good. NUH UH.


Couldn't get a full night sleep. Ibanez kept bothering me. Lindsay is still gone.

I hate Sunday night. I am not ready for another week of school. I haven't even recuperated.

Transporter was a good action movie. Jason Statham invented whole new kinds of ass to kick. Read more Scott Pilgrim and got caught up with The Boys and finished American Virgin(what a horrible ending). That was fun.

Talked to mom about stuff.

I'm frustrated.

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