

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I pan fried up one of the tuna fillets. Go me! And it cooked through and through. And it was tasty. And I squeezed a bit of lemon over it. Go Trillian, being all learning new cooking stuff even though she is 24 and a half. When did I become 24? That seems strange.

Anyway. So I did that. And I felt good about doing that.

Work was work. But isn't it nice to say that? I've settled in, I know how things go, I am part of it. I still ask questions and confirm things. We ran a couple shirt jobs. I burned and taped some screens. Since I found out my new mp3 player saves your place in audiobooks (there is a separate menu for them! and it saves your place! perfect for me!) I've been listening to Brideshead Revisted at a slower place. I am almost done though. Might go back to a Discworld book. In the mood for something light hearted.

Weekend coming up. I have some plans. Midnight movie probably. Go up "over the hill" as they say in reference to going from Santa Cruz north on 17.

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