

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I suddenly feel very tired. Did I not drink enough tea? Did I not sleep enough?

Today I applied to some internships and some jobs. Yay. My not art resume doesn't look too shabby.

Still not sure if I'll drive down tomorrow or...hmmm.

Yeah, my mind is wandering around right now. Did some drawing as well.

Ate a sammich, ate a bagel and shmear. Josh and Carmen went out for dinner, and Carmen is at a show and I showed Josh how to play mancala on a makeshift board.

Really not sure if I want to actually find work in San Francisco. The city is so big and daunting. It makes me feel nervous. I just can't get relaxed here, and I don't enjoy that. I do need to pop down to Santa Cruz again. Give that place another feel.

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