

Friday, May 18, 2012

red shirts & risotto

My trial version of InDesign expired, so that makes it quite tricky to update my resume. Buuut, I saved all the various resumes that I wrote up, so I have a bunch of .pdf versions of different configurations. Like, ones for graphic design and production and screen print and all that jazz. Sucks but not totally awful. Applied for a few more jobs.

Carmen made shortbread, and combined with their jam? Ohhh boy. Good stuff. Totally getting spoiled with good cooking. I hope to learn a few tricks and things. I want to be a better cook.

For lunch, we went down and got some Vietnamese sandwiches. Nummy goodness, and quite affordable. Later on I finished up my pulled pork sandwich leftovers. Sandwich is for sure the type of food that I like the most.

I kept on the down low in my room for a bit while Carmen was giving some vocal lessons, then it was risotto time! Damn good cooking. Very hearty. After dinner, we watched some Star Trek. The original series. Ohhh the first episode did not age well. Quite, err, sexist...and strange. The next one was good, though still a bit odd. Amazing the difference 45 years can make.

Tomorrow? More jobs. Also will look more into those agencies. That is how Josh said he got a job...through a hiring type firm place. I do feel more motivated here, but that could just be the momentum from the move.

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