

Thursday, December 15, 2011

no sleep, all work

Anyway. Ended up not going to sleep last night. At 4:30am, I figured that if I went to bed, I wouldn't roll out of bed till 3pm and that is no good. So I stayed up. I drew and drew and drew. And it was AWESOME. All though the work I did in the 6-8am time range wasn't so good.

Anyway, I got a lot done today! Dad made pancakes. They were good. At 11am, I went with mom to her wetlands study. I napped in the car on the way there. We went to the various markers and took note of the plants that surrounded us. I was pretty tired, but I eventually got my energy at around 2pm, aka the time my body clock is used to waking up at.

Mom made me a sandwich. Yum. We went into town for some quick errands. Paper, candy, shoes, etc.

Back at home, I worked on a project that I shant name. Then dinner with an episode of Red Dwarf. Yum chicken. Now I'm watching telly and drawing MORE. And it is 11pm and I feel I could go on foreevevvvver. I don't want to stop.

Todays Portrait Is: Deanna Bredthauer.

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