

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Daylight Savings! Sleep in till 1 but it feels like 2. Hahah. Got out of bed to let the doggie in from the cold and crawled back under the blankets.

Didn't turn the heater on nor stoke a fire, so the house was pretty chilly. I wrapped myself up into a blanket and parked it in the computer chair. Ma and pa came home at around 4ish. Dinner was delicious potatoes, chicken, and broccoli. Started queing up my telly. Right now I'm just done with Downton Abbey. So sad. Got a few more to go.

Still not sure what I'll do for the flash final.

I wish blankets wrapped around legs was more fashionable. A lot better than long johns, though then I'd have to bring the blankets with me.

Quiet little day. Cold quiet day.

Tomorrow is a work day. I'll be working to figure out what I'm going to do for my Flash final.

Todays Portrait Is: Colin Baker.

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