

Friday, September 23, 2011

the landscaping in the lot is nice, even if it does take up would be parking spaces

Up late watching Six Feet Under (only two episodes left and then I am done with that series, though I don't think I can emotionally handle that right now, plus like I said it is late).

It is weird how I used to have class at 1, and I would sleep in till 11 or so. Back at PNCA. Now I have a 1am class and I am up at around 9. I chill and eat and get ready in my own time. But not having wildly different sleeping hours through the week is best.

In class Tim the teacher started going over the basic items about shot compositions and things. Some of it I know, some of it I don't. I like realizing how much I have picked up over the years. It isn't a half bad assortment of knowledge in my noggin, if only I could apply them to something. I was sitting in what felt like the middle of old drama between several students. Olympian/ASOC drama or something. Like acquaintances that don't really like each other. I think I'm going to try sitting in the back. The boys in the back at least have seen Drive, so that is a conversation starter.

It was rainy in the morning but the sun came out. I have the hardest time navigating where I parked my car in the new lot.

Back at home I did a substantial amount of nothing. And continued to do nothing till dinner. Mmm soup. Then I watched my downloaded telly, ma and pa went to bed at 8. Now I am tired and shall sleep. Tomorrow I help dad haul fire wood and then we eat dinner and Grandma and Grandpa's.

Todays Portrait Is: Lindsey Wixson.

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